Daddy knows best!

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Felix's POV

Watching her sleep, she looks so peaceful. How are we supposed to break this to her? Her whole world is about to change. Mr Pruit waits for me outside the room "Are you sure this is for the best?" I ask. "She is in danger Felix! Matt can't keep her safe! I can't take something happening to Brooklyn. She is too precious to me." Is this really happening, how can this really work out? Mr Pruit sighs " listen to me Felix I know you're unsure, but I know you care about her she is special. She will come around. This is for the best for both of you. Your dad will keep Brooklyn safe. You can train and move forward. Leave this place behind. Your world is going to change, you can't avoid this forever." Yes my world is about to change I'm just not sure if I should drag Brooklyn into this madness with me. " Mr P what if they find her? What if she doesn't agree? Come on this is crazy. She doesn't want me. She loves Matt!" Mr Pruit steps closer to me. "Love doesn't even come into this boy. My daughter is in danger. You will keep to this agreement!" He puts his hands on my shoulders. " Son I am trusting you. I know it's a lot. This is the life we are born into. We have no choice. The decisions are made for us, by people who know what's best for us! Is it easy, no it's not.  Trust me I know love is definitely not a main factor in this. You are close, she cares for you. She will be good for you. As I know you will be good for her." Stepping away he turns with his hands behind his back. This is what has to be done. I just wish I had been able to make Brooklyn come with me because she wanted to. I care for her, she's my friend above all else and I will do everything in my power to keep her safe and give her the life she deserves. " Ok I promise to do everything I can. I do care for her, we will make this work." Mr Pruit smiles then" Ok let's go back and sit with her, she will be awake soon. We have to get everything ready. We can't waste time. The sooner you're out of this country the better!"

Empire High Blood Lies ( fanfiction of the Empire High Series)  Where stories live. Discover now