Mind, Heart And Soul

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Matthew's POV

I can't believe I thought Brooklyn's father was the villain in our story all this time, yet he's going to provide me with the reason to be near my son and Brooklyn. I know there are still things I will have to work out, and it's not going to be easy to convince everyone I've decided to work for Pruit Enterprises without being able to explain Brooklyn is alive or that we have a son. I know I still have a part to play, and I'm worried about how that may affect my baby. I know she's feeling only happiness right now, thinking about me being in London near her and Carter, and I hate to cloud her happiness, but we need to have this conversation. "Babe, I'm so happy your Dad is giving me this opportunity to come to London and get to know our son and be a part of your lives. There aren't words to tell you what it means to me." Brooklyn turns to me with such a look of love on her face that I hate to bring up what's on my mind. "I know outside the Farrel's property, you will remain Felix's wife. I'm worried about the role I will have to continue to play with the guys and my family." Brooklyn leans over and takes my hand, "Matt, I know this is not going to be easy on any of us. I know you will have to attend various functions with someone on your arm. Nothing can really change in your life when you have to be back in the States. Just as I'll have to continue playing the part of Felix's wife. I can admit to dreading seeing the pictures on the gossip sites and seeing the way they'll look at you and touch you. It makes me sick thinking about their hands on you, and unlike you with Felix, they won't be in on the act. They'll think they have a chance with you." I see tears forming in her eyes. I take her in my arms, holding her head tucked under my chin, "I wish I could solve all our problems and fast forward us to the day when we no longer have to hide to keep you and Carter safe. I never want to cause you one more second of pain, baby." She looks up at me as I place a kiss on her forehead, "There has and never will be anyone else but you, Brooklyn. You own me, body and soul. Even when I thought I had lost you, I never moved on and faked my way through to keep my parents and the guys off my back. It's going to be a lot harder to do that, knowing you'll be here, waiting for me to come back to you. I'll do everything I can to keep you reassured at the same time doing everything necessary to keep you and Carter safe until we end the threats, and I can finally let the world know you are mine. Brooklyn, baby..." I hold her tighter to me. This girl has been my everything since we were 16 years old. " I know you saw me with Jenn that summer in the pool, and it makes me sick. You saw that. And I admit to you that I tried a couple of times to move on when I thought you were gone from me forever. Drunk or high thinking anyone else could heal the constant pain in my heart. I got so tired of being seen as broken, my family or the guys looking at me with pity... I made myself sick." "Matt, I let you think I died! I didn't want to leave you, I was so young and afraid, but I'm older and a lot stronger, and I know we are meant to be. Nothing will ever come between us again. It's parts we have to play until this is over. We won't let it touch us!" I lean in and take her mouth, "Never again, babe. No one will ever come between us again! You are my very soul, and someday the world will know. So know that no matter how it may look or what others may say, my mind, heart, and soul are only yours."

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