Heartbreak and Moving Forward!

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I lean forward, tightening my hold on Brooklyn's hand. "There's something I have to tell you, and you need to listen all the way through. It's going to hurt, Babe, but you have to hear and accept it. Your Dad tried to call Matt. I've tried to call Matt. We've even spoke with Mrs Caldwell, but Matt wouldn't come to the phone. We wanted to tell him you're in danger and you really need him now! And there is something else..
Hold on to me Brooklyn, cause I got you and I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Brooklyn you're pregnant. It's not just you in danger anymore! And where's Matt? Is he here? No, but I am and I promise I will stand by you. " Brooklyn starts to sob and I move to sit on the edge of the bed. I hate to see her like this. She looks at me and bites her bottom lip. " Felix what am I supposed to do now! What kind of mom can I be? I though Matt loved me. He made me believe he would love me forever. I've felt so alone for such a long time. But Matt filled that space for me he made me feel like I was somebody you know." This poor beautiful girl. She needs me. As messed up as I am I can be that person for her. "Matt doesn't love you Brooklyn. He probably never did. You have to put your baby first now. Don't think about anyone else just focus on this amazing little person you are carrying. If you think for one minute Isabella or Mrs P won't use this against you, use YOUR baby against you, then you're deluding yourself! If this gets out, they will use Matt against you as well. But we have got to get you out of the States until things quiet down and we can make sure you're safe."
Brooklyn's sobs quietly as she starts to shake. I wrap my arms around her and pull her tightly against my chest. " I've got you Brooklyn, let me keep you safe. Let me take care of you. I'm in danger too and I have to leave. I want to take you with me. Let me please, we can get through this. I promise I won't let anyone hurt you or your baby. My dad will protect us! "

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