Princess And The Monster

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Valentina's POV


My mind plays tricks on me, every time I close my eyes I can see Felix. I can feel his warm mouth against my neck. His fingers skimming across my thighs. At night he haunts my dreams, whispering sweet promises to me as he makes love to me. I slide my hand against my smooth stomach and inch them under my silk panties. My thighs part as I imagine Felix's soft lips kissing across my chest until he reaches my nipples. He circles his tongue around them as he squeezes my breast with his big hand. Then he sucks my nipple hard and nips it with his teeth. I pinch my nipple with my other hand as my back arches off the bed. Lost in the memories of our night together. I rub my nub in firm circles spreading my wetness. Then I slide my finger down along my slick entrance. I push a finger inside and brush my thumb over my nub, still squeezing my nipple with my other hand. I'm panting as my juices flow onto my palm. Felix kisses down my stomach telling me how much he wants me, how I'm all he will ever want. How hard I make him, how he can still taste me on his tongue. I feel his hot breath against my core as he sucks my clit into his mouth, his fingers making wet obscene noises as he fucks me with them. A loud knock on my bedroom door startles me and I quickly pull my hand out of my panties and wrap my blanket around me. I hear the handle turn but It's locked so doesn't open. "Miss Valentina, your father expects you to be downstairs for dinner with Vincent at 6 pm." Lorenzo calls out as he knocks my bedroom door again. " I will be ready, I know whats expected of me." Lorenzo is quiet and I think he's left. But he suprises me when he speaks again. " I will let your father know." I hear his footsteps as he walks away and I pull my covers over my face. I throw the blanket off and walk into my bathroom. I hate that I have to marry Vincent. He makes no attempt to hide the kind of man he is. Why would my father marry me to someone like him? What have I ever done to deserve this? Tears drop down my cheeks as I shower, I have never expected anything else. All I have ever been is a possession, something of use to benefit my father. I dress quietly, slidding the silk dress on. It's smooth, cool against my skin. Beautiful and classy, look at me the perfect beauty. All dressed up for a piece of shit scumbag to ruin. I apply my make up, making sure to use my ruby red lipstick. I press my lips together then apply a slick gloss over the top which makes my lips look glossy and sultry. Let this prick drool when he sees me. He thinks I'm an innocent virgin, I can't wait until he finds out that I took that away from him the smug bastard. I take the time to admire the lilac silk dress as it hugs my body, clinging to every curve I have. My one weapon I have is my beauty. I will have to be very careful and resourceful to survive as his wife. Vincent can't keep his eyes off me when he visits. The heat in his eyes is obvious, he can't wait to have me. So I will feed into that lust and make him crazy over his need to possess me and then when he has me, I will know that he never really had me at all. That my heart and body will always belong to another. As I make my way to the dinning room I make sure to add a little more sway to my hips. Vincent looks up as I enter the room. His throat bobs as he licks his lips. "Valentina, my beauty, look at you. Come sit down. We have a lot to talk about." He stands and guides me to my seat his hands sliding against my lower back, dangerously close to the swell of my ass. As I slide into the seat he leans down and looks down the front of my dress. It dips low and showcases my girls beautifully. He leans down to my ear and kisses my neck gently. "Soon sweet girl, oh so very soon." I look at my father and he smiles knowingly. Obviously pleased with the way Vincent is clearly being attentive to me. Vincent slides into the seat next to me and struggles to keep his eyes off my thighs. My dress has ridden up teasing him with the view. I cross my legs and lean forward reaching for my glass of wine. " Let me Valentina." Vincent reaches for my wine glass and lifts it to my lips. " Drink kotyonok ( Kitten), let me see." He leans forward as I take a sip of my wine he tilts the glass his pupils dilating as he watches me. My father clears his throat. "Vincent, we have a lot to discuss. Have you made preperations for the engagement party?" "Everything has been prepared, I don't see any reason to prolong this engagement. Thats why I want to move the wedding forward. The sooner Valentina is my wife the better." He smiles at me, flashing me his dimples. He is a handsome man, with his ice blue eyes and browny, blonde hair. He stands at 6'2 and has a body of a greek god. But when I think of being his, it feels as though a thousand ants are under my skin. This man knows he's beautiful and takes advantage of it. He has women all over the city, I will never be his only woman. For all I know he probably already has children with some of his kept women. " We have no problem with moving the wedding date Vincent. My princess can't wait. This is the moment she has been waiting for. To be a beautiful bride. Just imagine what a beautiful bride she will make." Vincent glances back at me, slidding his eyes over every inch of my skin exposed to him. " That she will, I will make sure to make your every wish come true kotyonok (kitten). You will want for nothing. I will make sure I fulfill your every need." He brushes his finger against my bare thigh and bites his bottom lip. " Mr Russo, maybe I could take Valentina on a walk after dinner, get to know each other a little?" My father chuckles. " You can spend some time alone with Valentina after dinner, but not too long as my princess needs her rest." My blood runs cold. Maybe this was a mistake. My father never lets Vincent spend time alone with me. Is this my punishment for spending the night with Felix? Dinner goes by quickly with both my father and Vincent discussing buisness. I tune it out as my mind runs wild with possible outcomes. What will Vincent do when he gets me alone? " Come kotyonok (kitten). Lets take a walk in the gardens." He leads me out the room as he takes my hand in his. He makes me feel so tiny next to him. We make our way into the garden in silence. My heart is beating so fast. He leads me along the path until we are out of view then spins me pinning me against a tree. He runs his hands up my thighs to my waist squeezing. Then he slides his hands around to my ass. He grabs my ass cheeks tightly and presses himself against me. I can feel his rock hard cock in between us. He brings his mouth down to mine. Ghosting his lips across mine. "Do you feel how hard you make me kotyonok? My cock aches for you. I can't wait for your pussy to grip my cock. For your pussy to cry for me." I take a deep breath and try to remain as calm as possible." What does kotyonok mean? Whenever you see me you always call me that." He smiles and rubs his nose against mine. "It means kitten." He slides his hand around my front and slides his fingers up my inner thigh under my dress until he reaches my panties. He brushes his knuckles against them gently. Then leans down and kisses me. I let him, I open up and kiss him. He knows exactly what to do and takes control. He fucks me with his tongue. Kissing me so deeply I dont know where I end and he begins. This kiss doesn't melt me like Felixs did. It feels like a chore, I feel like I may choke on his tongue. I feel nothing for this man. " I will wait for you kotyonok (kitten). It will make it so much sweeter." I smile at him, knowing that the thing he wants so much is already given to someone who is a million times the man he could ever be. " That taste will keep me going, but I promise you. When you are mine, you will only ever know my cock. I will teach you everything my sweet girl." He kisses my lips once more before he leads me back to the house. I feel like a robot, like I am watching everything happen to someone else.

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