She'll Always Be My Princess

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Mr Pruit's POV

I know I should feel bad. But I just can't let anything happen to my daughter. She is all I have left of my first love. Every time I look at Brooklyn, I see Evelyn. I see the life I should of had. I loved her so much! But the world I live in, we never stood a chance. This is all I can give her. A chance to be safe away from my toxic family. My wife's family will kill her. They won't care that she's pregnant. If anything, that will make them want her dead even more. She is carrying a Caldwell child. This changes everything. I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Miller. He answers on the second ring. " Yes sir, I'm awaiting your orders." I take a breath. " Miller I am sending Brooklyn to Europe. You are to go with her as her bodyguard. Keep her safe! Make sure she is your only priority. I will not tolerate anything less than one hundred percent. Her safety is vital! Do you understand what I am saying? Brooklyn is in danger and you are to protect her with your life. Whatever happens you must keep her safe! " Miller gasps " She's alive! Brooklyn's alive?" I have no time for this. "Yes she is alive and safe for now. I have no time to go into the details right now. But I need you packed and at the private hanger within forty minutes. Do not mention anything to anyone. As far as everyone knows Brooklyn died. She is in danger, nobody is to be trusted! Do I have your word? I am trusting you with my daughter's safety. If you do anything to jeopardise her safety, I will end you!" Miller is quiet for a few seconds before he speaks. " Brooklyn will be my only priority, I swear it! I will be there in thirty. Thank you for trusting me sir." I disconnect the call, then call my pilot. " Have the jet ready within the hour. I will send you the destination. Make sure this is done quietly. Nobody is to know the destination other than you. I want a limited crew, you know the drill in and out as quickly as possible." Edward is quick to respond.
" Yes sir I understand." The line goes dead and I make my way back to Brooklyn and Felix. " I will be sending Miller with you. He will be brought up to date with everything that needs to be done."

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