Here Comes The Bride

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Fiona and Miller's POV

Fiona stands on the pedestal wearing a sheer lace halter mermaid gown cut to the two dimples just above that beautiful ass of hers. She catches me looking and smirks. Just that little act makes my heart beat so fast. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. The way she sees me, I honestly have never met anyone like her before. From the first moment I met her I have been drawn to her like a magnet. Just to catch a glimse of one of her beautiful smiles. To see her dimples pop as she sasses me. She makes me rock hard, the need to have her so overwhelming. This woman has no idea how wrapped she has me. She's burrowing herself deeper and deeper into my heart. In my mind, I see her walking along a flower framed aisle on her father's arm. Her Mom dabs happy tears with a white handkerchief. I physically shake my head to bring myself back to where we are. I know I'm not worthy of the queen that she is, but it doesn't stop my heart from wanting her. She looks up and waves as someone steps out of a room across the way. "Elena, are you here with Valentina? I read about her engagement to Vincent in the paper." I step down off the small platform, giving my ass an extra wiggle for Miller's benefit and want to laugh when I hear a muffled groan from his direction. Elena steps in to give me an air kiss to each cheek, just as Valentina steps out of the room, followed closely by a middle-aged man, definitely her body guard. "What a gorgeous dress! Who is this Elena? " Elena turns back towards her cousin, "This is Fiona Farel." I notice Valentina flush when Elena says my last name. "We went to school together." I notice Miller approach Valentina's bodyguard and realize it must be Lorenzo, Perfect! We can kill two birds with one stone here. I wave a hand towards him. "That's my Fiancé, Miller Spencer. Isn't he gorgeous?" I turn and blow him a kiss. "Fiona!" Elena exclaims, " he came with you to try on wedding dresses?" I smirk over in Miller's direction and say just loud enough, I know he hears me. "He's extremely controlling in all the best ways." I notice Valentina blushes. "So Valentina, as one bride to another, would you mind giving me your opinion? I'm torn between this dress and another that's in my dressing room. Would you mind giving me your opinion?" She looks over and sees Lorenzo in deep conversation with Miller, then nods her head and follows me into the dressing room. As soon as the door closes, I grab her hand. "I could tell by the way you flushed when Elena told you my last name, you know exactly who I am. I'm here to meet you, actually. My brother is beside himself since you pulled your disappearing act. He was ready to storm your father's compound alone when he read you're engaged to Vincent of all people. Elena has told me some of your story, so I know you aren't marrying Vincent because you're in love with him. I'm here to tell you my brother is determined to make you his. There will be no wedding if he has anything to say about it! Miller goes way back with Lorenzo, who he is currently asking to be taken on as extra security during your engagement party and the wedding. That way, the Farel's have their own man watching out for you. All we need is to be invited to your engagement party. We'll need two invitations, one for my brother and myself and one for my sister Brooklyn and Matthew Caldwell. During the evening, Brooklyn will distract Vincent so that we can give you the final details of how we're going to kidnap you from your wedding." I can't help laughing at the look on Valentina's face. "We're out of time here. Do you want our help?" She nods, stunned, and I hear her guard calling for her. I squeeze her hand, "Hold onto faith, Valentina. My brother will save you and make you his. Now go and have the invitations sent to the Westwood hotel. I think you know the place." As Valentina exits the changing room I look at myself in the mirror. The dress I'm wearing is absolutely stunning, I may have to buy this dress to take home with me. I reach behind my head to undo the clap as I wait for my big guy to enter. He can't resist getting me alone and I know it's only a matter of time before he comes to me. As I pull the dress down my body I feel his heat behind me, he pulls me against his hard chest and I can't help the moan that escapes. He slides his hands up to my breasts and squeezes them firmly. He brushes his nose against my throat then begins to suck my neck, nipping me gently. "Princess, you are such a naughty girl. I think I need to teach you how to be my good girl." He pushes my dress past my hips and I kick it aside as I step out of it." No panties?" I smirk as I press my ass against his hardness. "Easy access big guy. Don't act like you're suprised, the amount of panties you rip off my body, It's a wonder I have any left." Miller reaches one hand to my throat as he uses the other to push his trousers down releasing my favourite part of him. He taps his jacket pocket, "You know I like to keep a little something of yours close to my heart." He turns my face to him then takes my mouth with a blistering kiss. This man sets me on fire, we are like a storm, electric, pure chaos. He guides himself to my slick entrance then brushes his thumb against my clit. He uses his body to push me forward and I brace myself against the wall. I lift on my toes as he thrusts up into me, as desperate to be inside of me as I am for him to give me everything I need. I reach behind him to grab a handful of his ass, digging my nails into him. He hisses as his thrusts pick up speed. "Look at you taking my cock princess. You're so wet that I can feel you dripping all over my balls." Miller grabs my chin and turns my face to kiss me again, sucking my tongue into his mouth. "You drive me crazy, you know that don't you? You love to play with me." I breath against his lips, my legs shaking as I feel my orgasm taking over. " Oh my god, right there. Shit. Don't stop!" His hand slides down to my breast and pinches my nipple hard and it sets me off like a firework. "Holy fuck baby, your pussy is heaven. That's it princess, milk me for every fucking drop." I feel his ass tense in my hands, then he cums as he whispers my name into my hair. "You are mine Fiona, I don't care how long we have to wait. When you wear a wedding dress, it will be me you walk down the aisle to." I ease out of his hold, " Calm down big guy. Lets get cleaned up before someone catches us." He leans down cupping my face in his hands. " I'm serious Fiona. Everything that's happening right now is placing you in danger. The thought of anything happening to you drives me crazy. I will kill anyone who even considers harming you." We exit the dressing room to Brooklyn's smirk. "Later" I mouth towards her. Her look let's me know I've run out of time stalling and she isn't going to let me out of talking about what is going on between me and Miller for much longer. Honestly, I'm not even sure why I've made him keep us a secret. I know all my parents want for me is my happiness. And that's exactly what my big guy gives me. I think that's why I'm so afraid for others to find out. I've never felt so cared for, while at the same time respected as an equal. I feel myself falling fast and deep for Miller. I've never given my heart away before, and I feel like I'm free falling with no way to stop. But my heart tells me Miller will be there to catch me. Brooklyn turns with that smirk still on her face, " I'm assuming our invitations will be in the mail?" We leave the bridal salon. I can't wait to get back to the hotel to let my brother know step one was a success!

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