Family Man

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Felix's POV

I raise my gun and breathe as I focus on the target. The 9mm fits well in my hand, I prefer the 9mm as opposed to the 45 as it has less recoil. I try to let go of my anxiety as I think about the people who want to hurt Brooklyn. How angry it make's me that anyone could harm a hair on her head. I have been at the warehouse daily, trying to familiarize myself with the day to day business and our men. My dad has been working closely with me to get me prepared. I need to do this, It's always been my destiny, there was no point in running. This is where I have always meant to be. I pull the trigger and the feeling of power runs through my body. I quickly fire twelve rounds. Six perfect head shots and six dead center. This shouldn't come so naturally to me. But It's like my body react's on instinct. I remove my ear protection and hear footsteps approach. As I turn my dad walks in, " Felix, can you join me in my office?" " I'm finished now, we can go together." We walk toward the stairs that lead up to his office. " Felix we've ran out of time, we need to move forward with the wedding. You know we will be speakng to Brooklyn about your marriage today. It's been a month now, we really don't have anymore time. She will understand that this is for the best." " Dad I've seen how much Brooklyn loves Matt, I doubt she will ever love anyone else the same way. She only see's me as a friend." My dad sits on the edge of his desk." Time has a way of changing things, Son. You be good to her and the baby even though it's Matt's and she'll see it. She will love you, it will just take time and alot of patience. Just win her over a little bit at a time, the best relationships are built on friendship. You have built a really strong base, now It's time to make a future." I run my hand's through my hair and tug on the ends. "What if she hates me for this Dad? I'm taking her choice away. I do love Brooklyn, she's such a beautiful girl. She's kind and sweet, what if this life is too much for her? What if she doesn't want any of this?" My dad comes to rest his hand on my shoulder. " Son trust me, we will get through this as a family. We all love Brooklyn, she cares for you, we can all see it. Just love her enough for the both of you, until she can love you back in return." My dad pulls me in for a hug. " Ok dad, I know this is for the best. I want to keep them safe." " It's time son, It's time to take your place in the family. "

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