Am I Going Crazy ?

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Matthew's POV

"Haunted? What are you talking about?" Rob looks at me like I'm crazy and I'm starting to feel like it's true. "Are you seeing ghosts?" James laughs until he gets a good look at my face. "Maybe you better come in and tell us what's going on." James turns and leads the way downstairs where we all usually hang out. I have the envelope full of photos clutched in my hand. "It all started a little over a year ago. A couple of months after Brooklyn's funeral, I received an envelope in my locker at school. When I opened it, there was a picture of a pregnant woman seated in a car. You couldn't see her face, just the ends of her hair, which was the exact same color as Brooklyn's. It just so happened, Kennedy and Isabella came walking around the corner while I was losing it, so I immediately accused them."You think it was a photo of Brooklyn pregnant?" James looks at me like I've completed lost it. Rob looks shocked. "Matt, you know that's impossible and was probably something Isabella cooked up with Kennedy. So why are you still upset?" "That's exactly what I thought, and I accused them both right there in the hallway! but something about the picture tore at me. I contacted a private investigator to see if I could get proof it was that bitch Izzy. Then, a few months later, I receive another photo, a little blurry of what appears to be a blonde woman pushing a baby in a stroller. Then, today, I received these." I lay out the photos, including the one of me and Mason, on my first birthday. I hear James take a sharp intake of breath as Rob exclaims, "What the hell, Matt? This is insane! So, did the investigator find anything?" "Nothing, he gave me nothing, except that the photos were authentic and had not been altered in anyway. James, what's that look on your face?"


James's POV

"Matt, you know this is impossible, right? We all were at Brooklyn's funeral. Let me have the photos, and I'll have our people look into them. If my bitch of a fiance has anything to do with this, I'll get your proof. In the meantime, you need to keep it together. You can't let whoever is doing this get to you." I know what I have to convince Matt of, but what if? What if Brooklyn really is alive? Unless someone is holding her against her will, why wouldn't she reach out to Matt? Could she really have had Matt's son? Something isn't right, and I'm determined to find out what it is. Even though I have to keep Matt in the dark while I do it. I won't let Brooklyn down."Matt, if you receive anything else, let me know, right away. I give you my word we'll get to the bottom of this. But for now, we need to keep it between us. And no more confronting Isabella." Matt looks like he wants to punch me. "Oh hell  no! Don't tell me you're going to try and protect that bitch?" How can I get Matt to back off Isabella? IF Brooklyn is alive, she has to be in danger. No way she would leave Matt otherwise, especially if she really was pregnant. So the last person who needs to become suspicious is my fucking fiance! I need to get him to back off, "Matt, of course I'm not trying to protect her! But if you keep accusing her, it will just make it harder for us to catch her if she is behind it." Matt seems to calm down. "Look Matt, my brother is right. We don't want to send Izzy running if it is her." Rob looks over at me, and I know he's thinking the same thing I am. Is it possible Brooklyn is alive, and if so, where the hell is she?

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