Code Red

14 1 0

Miller's POV

I take my phone out and message everyone, letting them know that the plans gone to shit, thanks to Felix and his inability to keep his dick in his pants. This guy honestly has no self control when it comes to Valentina. He is completely gone for this girl. I pocket my phone and wait for them both to come out of their love nest. This fucker is guna get someone killed. After a few minutes Valentina and Felix emerge from the bushes and Felix bends down to remove a twig from her hair. "Couldn't you wait. Seriously Felix, what the fuck has gotten into you. Do you realise what you've done! We had a plan and now thanks to this little performance, thats gone to shit." Felix pulls Valentina into his arms and rests his chin on her shoulder. He looks calm and happy and I want to punch him in the god damn mouth. I rub my hands over my face as I try to calm myself down. "Come on mate, do you seriously expect me to leave my girl here, with those animals." "Felix we had a plan! We had everything worked out. If you had just let us do what we came to do..."
" Let me ask you something Miller. Can you tell me that if it was Fiona, you would walk away?" He smirks at me as I look at him. " Seriously?" " Do you think I'm blind my friend? You and my sister are not as clever as you think you are. Let me tell you now, if you think for one second, I'm intimidated by these people, then you clearly have underestimated the power my family holds. You my friend should know better." This guy, if I didn't love his sister so much, I wouldn't put up with this bullshit. "We need to get out of here now. Valentina, do you have everything you need?" For the first time, she looks at me and the sadness I see in her eyes breaks me. " I don't want to be a burden to anyone. I don't want anyone to be hurt because of me..." " Baby girl let me tell you now. You are nobodys burden, you are my life, love, my everything. From now on you have a family, my family will love you." I pull my phone from my pocket and call the team that are waiting within range. " Code red. We need to move now! " I place my phone back in my pocket. " I hope you're ready. Keep Valentina with you and don't let her out of your site. They won't let her go without a fight." Felix smirks at me, as he lifts his eyebrow. "Come on brother, you know I love this shit." Valentina pulls her shoulders back and raises her head. " I'm ready, I don't want to live like this anymore." We need to move, theres no time to spare.


Fiona's POV

Looking around the room, I notice the increased presence of guards. As I make my way over to Brooklyn, she eyes me and slightly nods towards the exit. I catch Matts eye as he nods at me. We need to make our way out of here without being too obvious. Clearly they are aware of the storm coming their way. We walk toward the exit arm in arm and make idle chit chat as we go, trying to look as casual as we can. People are too emgrossed in their conversations, gossiping about Vincent and his playboy ways. No matter how good looking that man is, he has this coldness about him. A cruelness just under his skin waiting to show it's ugly face. As we exit, our driver stands next to the black SUV, his face is neutral but his hand is close to his hip, ready to reach for his gun if needed. We climb into the back seat and a few minutes later Matt gets in too. He leans over and pulls Brooklyn into his lap. " Baby do you know how much I've missed you. God, I can't stand being so close to you, but yet so far away." He grabs hold of her chin and brings her mouth to his. The driver pulls away as I look for Miller. I know he needs to get Felix and Valentina out, but the thought of anything happening to him hurts my heart. I love him so much. I am so lost in my thoughts that I jump when Brooklyn touches my arm. " It's going to be ok honey. They know what they're doing. Miller will do everything it takes to get home to you and Felix is like a man possessed." I shake my head and release the breath I didn't even realise I was holding. I have never seen my brother like this. He's usually the calm and collected one in the family. To see him act so out of character, I know theres nothing my brother won't do to rescue Valentina . He has been like a mad man since she vanished, if this is what needs to happen, then it is what it is. This is not the first time our family has gone to war and I'm sure it won't be the last. As we make our way out of the gates we notice a group of black SUVS turning into the drive. They stop and men in black ski masks step out with guns in their hands. Suddenly three people run towards the cars from the tree line. I let out a relieved sob as I notice it's Felix, Miller and Valentina. The men quickly load them into a SUV and it's tyres screach as it turns and heads in our direction. Three of the five SUVs stay at the gate as the other two follow behind us. The first one over takes us and the second pulls in tight behind us. The cars speed through the winding roads, all of us too shocked to speak. A call comes through the car speakers and is answered quickly. " Fiona?" I lean forward and grab hold of the seat. " I'm here. Are you guys ok?" "Hey sis, nothing like a car chase to end an evening huh?" I let out a laugh as I lean my head against the head rest. " You little shit, not everything is a joke you know. I hope you're happy." Theres silence for a few seconds then Millers voice comes through so deep and gravelly that I have to clench my thighs together. " I've never seen this arsehole look happier. Are you ok?" " Just great, apart from being stuck in a car with these love birds ,I think I'll be fine." Millers laugh comes through the speaker and I feel butterflies in my tummy. " The planes ready to take off princess, we need to get out of here quickly." I turn to look at Brooklyn and Matt and I realise that all of our lives are going to change. But no matter what happens we are family and family sticks together. " Are you sure you're ready for this Matt?" " Brooklyn is my home. Where ever she is then thats where I want to be. I prepared for this, theres no way I can be away from you baby, where ever you go, then thats where I will be too. We can make this work." Brooklyn takes Matts face in her hands and kisses him lightly on the lips. Then turns to look at me. " Lets do this, theres no turning back now. Its time to introduce them to the family."

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