Planning In The Middle Of Chaos

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Matthew's POV

I hear the girls and Miller enter the foyer from the elevator. I can tell by their excited chatter that things must have gone well. I still can't get over the fact that I'm really watching Brooklyn make her way to my side. It's a miracle that I'm still having a hard time accepting that I deserve. She leans down and places a light kiss on my lips, "Did you miss me, babe?" I pull her down into my lap for a real kiss, "What do you think, baby?" I feel her smile as I slide my tongue against her plump lips. She sighs as she breaks the kiss, backing away so I can see her beautiful smile thats all for me. "Matt, Fiona, and Miller are going to let Felix know how things went at the bridal salon with Valentina. Do you think we could take a walk? There are some things we need to talk about." I lift her from my lap and grab her hand. "So many things, Baby. But before we have this conversation, I want you to know in the depths of your soul that whatever will happen, whatever comes our way, I will stand by you. I know there are some rough roads we will have to take before we finally arrive at our happily ever after, but I'm swearing to you now, I will do whatever it takes, and give you everything you need to make sure we get there. I won't just make this promise, but I will show you with my actions as well. I love you, Brooklyn, you, and of course now Carter are my entire world." I watch her as she goes over to let Fiona know we're stepping out for a bit. I can tell Miller wants to argue about us walking in the city alone, but Brooklyn must convince him as she waves me to the elevator. I take her hand as we excited the elevator and head across the lobby outside. There is a small park about a block down from the hotel that is usually deserted this time of day. I pull her down next to me onto a small bench. "Baby first things first. I want to know my son. I want to know how you feel about me becoming a part of Carter's life.I know it will be complicated, and I would never want to hurt him or cause him pain, but we will be together when this is all over. I've searched my heart to see if it's just my own longing to know my son that is making me feel this way, but it's more than that. I honestly feel the longer we wait, the more it will hurt him when he finds out. I thought about just being around as a family friend, but..." I notice her eyes filling with tears. "Baby, don't cry, just let me get this out, and you can tell me exactly what you're feeling, ok?" She nods her sweet head and I continue. " If I start out as a family friend, we will be lying to his face. The previous circumstances were out of our hands, but this would be deliberately lying to our son. I want us to start our journey as a family the right way." " You're right Matt. The best way to move forward is with complete honesty. Carter is a very intuitive boy. It wouldn't be wise to hide this from him." I put my arm around Brooklyn and pull her into my chest. She fits so perfectly, like she was made just for me. " I know I haven't always shown you that you can trust me. But I'm not the same person I was in high school. Loosing you broke me sweetheart and I will do anything I can to make sure that doesn't happen again. I know it's going to be a hard situation. The fact that we have to keep you a secret, us a secret, and that you'll remain married to Felix, it will be beyond complicated. But while I can keep it a secret from the world, I can't not have my family. I'm not sure how we'll work it all out, but I'm hoping you'll agree, and together, we will." I see the resolve in her eyes. "Please baby, just say what you're thinking." I watch as Brooklyn gathers herself to say what's in her heart. "Matt, there is nothing in the world I want more than for our son to know you. It is my hearts greatest wish, alongside the day I'll become your wife. Things are so very dangerous for us all right now. Isabella's death just added more fuel to the fire, and while I am constantly worried for everyone I love, I know that between us all, we can keep Carter safe. I'm not sure how we will work out you spending time with him once we tell him as it's safer for him to remain in the UK with the Farels for now. I think we need to talk to my father and get his advice. Would you be willing to go see my father now?" I hug her to me. "Of course! Let's give him a call and have him meet us."


Brooklyn's POV

"Daddy says he can meet us at his office downtown, so let's head over there." Matt holds my hand as we walk back to the hotel to pick up my driver. I know my Daddy will know how to handle this. Daddy's receptionist has already left for the day, so there are just two of his most trusted men guarding the door. "Ms. Brooklyn, your father is expecting you." And the door is opened immediately. We quickly go inside, where I'm wrapped in one of Daddy's hugs. He turns and offers his hand to Matt. "Thank you for seeing us on such short notice, Mr. Pruit" "It's Richard son, unless you hurt my Princess again and then you're dead so it won't matter." "Daddy!" I smack his arm as he turns and winks at me. "How can I help you, sweetheart?" I take a seat across from my father holding tightly to Matt's hand as he stands next to me. "Daddy, I want to tell Carter, Matt is his father. Felix is ok with it and I want Matt to meet him face to face. He's ten now and he's always been mature for his age. He's not completely sheltered from what our life involves and I think he will be able to understand why we did what we did. Matt deserves to know his son, and Carter deserves to know Matt. Would you help me make it happen, Daddy?" I know it breaks my Daddy's heart to refuse me anything. Not only am I his princess, but he says I'm an exact replica of my Momma and I know she was the love of his life. My Dad seems to gather himself as he looks over at Matt. "Matthew, as you are aware, I have been in your shoes. I didn't meet my princess until she was 16 years old, so I understand. But as Carter's Granddad, I have to make sure It's what's best for him. This is what will happen. In the next couple of weeks, everyone is scheduled to fly back to the UK. You, Matt, will be flying with us. Once we arrive, we will sit down with Carter. I believe it is best for him if both of his grandfathers are there, as well as Felix. We will keep the story as straightforward and age appropriate as possible. We will then see how Carter is holding up and let him ask any questions he may have. Then if it is ok with him. We will excuse ourselves to leave you with Brooklyn to get acquainted with your son. In the meantime, if you'd like, I have several photo albums and videos here waiting for just this moment. I always hoped you'd come into yourself, Matthew, and be the man my Princess and your son need." I look over at Matt as Daddy lays the first album open on the table. It's Carter wrapped in a blue receiving blanket being held in my arms just after Felix handed him to me from the nurse. His eyes fill with tears as he turns page after page, seeing the first year of his son's life in photos. He leans down to place a kiss on my forehead, "Thank you, Baby. While I have so many regrets, I wasn't there for you, I'm so grateful you and he were safe when I wasn't able to keep you that way. Thank you, Richard, for all you've done." Now I have tears running down my face. This man is my very soul, and in just a couple of weeks, he will be meeting our son for the first time.

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