Plans Change

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Felix's POV

"Valentina, are you alright?" Her father looks as if he's going to explode as Vincent growls at me, "How my fiancé is or isn't is none of your concern, nor do I remember giving you permission to call her by her given name." I smirk as I turn to face him, not missing the signal her asshole father gives to Lorenzo and Miller, "I don't recall asking your permission, Vincent." I need him to take a swing at me, so he'll take his attention off Valentina. Miller gives me a subtle head shake that manages to ask me if I've lost my mind and tell me I should back off at the same time. I can see the bulge at Vincent's hip, letting me know he is carrying. My fear for Valentina escalates. Unlike her father, Vincent is definitely not afraid to get his hands bloody. " Listen here and listen well Mr Farrel. You are in my territory now. You are at my daughters engagement party. If you think this disrespect will be tolerated you are sorely mistaken." Vincent walks closer towards me and I lift my chin smirking at him. " Whats so funny? Do you think this is some kind of joke? Tell me why you feel you have a right to address my woman?" I close the last bit of distance between us and he looks about ready to snap. " To be honest, I heard a commotion and decided to see what was happening. To me it looked like Valentina was distressed. Such a sweet little peach like that, how could I not check on her wellbeing?" Vincent lunges at me and I use his force to swing him against the wall, holding my forearm under his throat. He struggles against me as I hold him in place. Lorenzo and Miller try to grab me back, but I'm past being reasonable. " Easy tiger, what's got you so worked up huh? I hear you've got more pussy than you know what to do with my friend. " Mr Russo tries to punch me and Lorenzo rushes to his side. " Mr Russo please calm down. Think about this, you have a party going on with representatives from all the families. Let me deal with Mr Farrel and you can both get back to the party. We will make sure that Mr Farrel is escorted from the property." Vincents fingers dig into my arm as I push against his throat. " Do you really want to do this with me Vincent? You know the kind of power my family has." Vincent looks towards Miller and Lorenzo then nods. Miller wraps his arm under my neck restraining me. I let go of Vincent and put my hands up. " Come on, can't you take a joke? Lighten up guys, why so serious? Isn't this supposed to be a celebration?" Vincent points towards me. " Get this fucking prick out of my sights. If I see your face again, I will put a bullet between your eyes you piece of shit. Then I will take that sweet little peach of a wife of yours and fuck her in the ass. Do you get me huh? " I struggle against Millers hold, but I feel him tense behind me at Vincents words. If anyone is as protective of Brooklyn as I am, it's Miller. Vincent and Mr Russo walk past laughing as I fight against Miller and Lorenzo. " Calm the fuck down man. Are you trying to get us all killed? " Miller let's go of me and I spin around on him. " Did you hear what that fucking scum said? I can't leave Valentina here for one more fucking second. Go and make sure the others know we are moving forward with the plan. We are taking her today, there's no way she's safe here. " I expect Lorenzo to disagree, but the look on his face says it all. Lorenzo takes a deep breath then shocks the shit out of me. " He's right. I made a promise to her Mother before Valentina was born, that I would always keep her safe. She is no longer safe here. Can you keep her safe, Mr. Farrel? She is the most precious person left in this world to me." That is one thing I know with every inch of my being. I will always protect Valentina. I love Brooklyn and my family, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that Valentina is it for me. She is my prority, I don't care what I have to do to make sure my beautiful girl is safe and in my arms. " Lorenzo can you take Felix to Valentina, while I let the others know the plans have changed?" Lorenzo walks towards the way Valentina disappeared. " Hurry Mr Farrel, we don't have time to waste." " You can call me Felix, I appreciate you keeping my girl safe." We make our way to the stairs, then up to the room Valentina used to get ready. Lorenzo knocks on the door but no one answers. He knocks again more firmly this time. We wait but still theres no answer. I grab the handle then push the door open, the room is empty, just a few pieces of clothing on the bed. I walk into the walk in bathroom and thats empty too. As I walk back into the room, Lorenzo stands at the window. I walk over to where he's standing and look out into the garden. " Is there anywhere Valentina would go if she felt scared?" " I honestly thought she would be here in the room, I have no idea where else she could be." I notice movement outside then Valentina runs across the patio and into the forrest surrounding the property. " Fuck, whats she doing?" I turn to leave then Lorenzo grabs me. We both watch in horror as Vincent chases Valentina into the woods. " Fuck, fuck we have to get to Valentina." We both run out the room, desperate to get to her before Vincent does.

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