First Steps Forward

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Brooklyn's POV

My chest is tight, my anxiety spiraling, how can Matt not care? How can he not even care enough to come to the phone when Felix and my Dad called his parents? Have I been foolish to believe he loved me? When it seems like now he never really did? I can't stay here, not now that I'm carrying Matt's child. I can't believe I'm really pregnant. I'm going to be a Mom! The tears form in my eyes, and I have to wipe them away. I have no time for tears! Should I really trust my Dad? What else can I do? I know that with every part of my heart, my baby will not be safe here!
I need to speak with Matt. Maybe if he knows we created a life, it will make a difference. I know a part of him loves me. He was just afraid! Rob took that prank too far. That wasn't me! If Matt would just hear me out, he would know I'm far from being a Pruit, and he has nothing to worry about! My Dad walks back into the room. "Please, Daddy, can I please try to call Matt one more time? If he doesn't answer, I promise to get on the plane with Felix and not come back until it's safe for my baby, Felix and myself. Please let me try one more time." My Dad looks unsure. I can tell he really doesn't want to let me do this. He hands me his phone." Alright, Brooklyn. But after this, you will grab your things and get on board that plane with Felix. No more delays!" I reach out and take the phone from my Dad. I dial Matt's number. It rings and rings, not even voice mail picking up. My Dad gently takes the phone from my hands as I begin to sob. When will I have cried enough tears over Matt? We were supposed to get married and it's really all over. How could Isabella's feelings matter more to him than mine? My hand drops to cup my still non-existent bump. Well, I'll be leaving with the best part of Matthew Caldwell! There's no turning back for now. I will keep this baby safe! I'm lucky to have Felix's support and friendship. I tell my Dad I'm ready. I get up and take the first steps to get my things and towards my new life.

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