Baby Carter

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Brooklyn's POV

Life has been so busy lately. My pregnancy has been amazing, watching my baby grow, my body changing. It's been such a strange but beautiful experience. The Farell's have been so suportive. Felix has been my rock. His love for my baby is unreal, honestly its like he is more excited than me. We spend alot of time together, he is always there for me making sure he caters for every craving I have. We have just got back from the ice cream parlor where we got my current obsession double chocolate gelato. We are snuggled up watching a movie, whilst Felix strokes my stomach. The baby loves it when he touches my stomach. Kicking his hand whenever he does. " This is still the most amazing thing I've ever felt. It doesn't matter how many times I feel it. I'm always shocked by how strong the babys foot is ." Felix smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. This beautiful boy just honestly makes my heart melt. " He's just saying hi, he's missed you whilst you were at work." I wish it was always just he and I in these moments but I can't help when my thoughts turn to Matt and the fact his Son is kicking in my belly. How would Matt of been, would he touch my stomach like Felix does? Would he be excited? Felix is so good to me but I can't change my feelings for Matt. I shove the thoughts aside. I know being here keeps everyone safe, especially my baby. But my heart aches for Matt so much, he will always be the love of my life. I know he's moved on with his life and is happy, I should just be relieved that he's safe, that nobody will hurt him with me out of his life. For months I tried my best not to look online, to torture myself with little snippets of him with girls at parties. Every so often he's tagged in pictures drinking, arms around beautiful girls. Some of him even kissing them. When I see them a tiny piece of my soul cracks. I honestly didn't think it would be so easy for him to move on from me. But why should I be suprised he's always been popular. Girls are always all over him, begging for attention. I make myself reign in my thoughts as Celine walks in.
" Hey Felix, your father would like to have a word with you in his study love?" Felix leans forward to place a kiss on my forehead, then get's up off the sofa. " Can I get you anything from the kitchen babe? " I shake my head and snuggle into the blankets. " Is everything ok Celine?" Celine smiles as she leans down to touch my stomach. " Beautiful girl everything is fine. Chris just want's to fill Felix in on a situation at work. Don't worry yourself, just relax. He won't be long love." Celine strokes my stomach as she smiles. " Soon this precious prince will be with us. I can't wait, my first grandchild. He will be loved so much Brooklyn. He will be such a blessing to us all." Tears form in my eyes when I see the love in her eyes for my son. " Thanks for everything Celine, I couldn't of asked for a better grandmother for my baby." She leans forward pulling me in for a hug. " Precious girl, know that you are loved. You are such a loving girl and we honestly couldn't of asked for a better daughter in law." We settle in and watch the movie as we wait for Felix but I honestly can't seem to keep my eyes open. " Get some rest love, go on up to bed." I realise that the movies finished. I rub my eyes and slowly get up from the sofa. " I will see you in the morning sweet girl, sweet dreams love." " Goodnight Celine, see you tomorrow." Making my way towards the stairs, I walk past Chris's study and hear Chris's voice. " Because if the rumors are true, Anyone connected with the Caldwells may as well have a target on their back, especially if the rumors about Isabella are true." I feel a sharpe pain in my stomach and I can't breathe. Matt , my Matt is in danger. He's not safe. No this can't be right! I fall to the floor clutching my stomach as a scream escapes my throat. My head is spinning, my throat tightening. The only word that come's out of my mouth as Felix runs and scoops me up in his arms is "Matt." Then i slip into darkness...


My eyes drift open and I reach down to feel my baby, I realize something is wrong. Where is my baby?! What's happened to my Son? I try to sit up but the pain knocks me right back down. "My baby?" My voice cracks as I sob into my pillow. Felix rushes to my side and holds my face in his hands. " Babe it's ok, the baby is safe. You went into shock, the baby was in distress and you had to be rushed in for an emergency cesarean. Everything is ok, calm down love I'm here, look our baby is fine. He's sleeping " Then I hear a tiny cry and my world stops. I look at the most beautiful baby in the world. My son, the only piece of Matthew Caldwell I will ever have. Felix looks at me as he strokes my son's face. " He has your eyes." And I think to myself, the rest is all his father.
"Welcome to the world Carter Matthew."

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