I'll Never Forget Her

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Matt's POV

Since Brooklyn's death, I feel like I've lost a part of myself. I can't stop dreaming of her beautiful face, her smiles, the way her blue eye's lit up, whenever she saw me. Even when I close my eyes, I can see her. I hear her voice when I walk through the halls of Empire High. I feel her close to me. She can't be dead. The fact that the casket was closed at the funeral just didn't sit right with me. Why would they be so secretive about what happened? The worst part is that the last time I saw her, I was so cruel to her. Why did I get so angry? Yes, I was suprised by the stupid pranks they pulled. But deep down I know it was Rob who convinced her to do something like that. It's just not something my Brooklyn would do. I'm suprised when I feel a hand on my forearm. " Hey Matt, do you mind if I sit with you?" I look up and see Kennedy next to me. Why can't she understand that I want time to myself? It's like everytime I'm away from my friends she appears. " Hi Kennedy, how are things?" She smiles at me and sits closer to me. " I just wanted to let you know I'm here for you Matt. I've been thinking and I think maybe we should hang out. I could come to your house and we could do some school work together. Or watch a movie, what do you think?" Why doesn' she get it? "Kennedy I don't understand what you want. We were never close. So why would we hang out together?" She looks down at her hands, then back up at me. " Matt I think we have always had this connection. We both lost Brooklyn, so maybe we can miss her together. I think we can lean on each other. I just want to support you. I think that's what Brooklyn would want." I push myself back from the table. " What the hell are you talking about? Why would Brooklyn want that? You don't know me Kennedy! So please understand that there will never be a time that we spend time alone together at all. We run in different circles. I suggest you go back to your life and leave me to get back to mine."
I storm away from the table, not even giving her a chance to reply. Everytime she's around me, she constantly feels the need to put her hand's on me. It makes me feel sick. I don't know what she's thinking, but even James has noticed. He told me that she seems to watch me constantly. Whenever I'm away from them, she approaches me. Checking on me, touching me. I can't stand it! It's like she's moved on. As if Brooklyn never existed. The only time she mention's her, is when she tries to speak to me. It's like she's trying to take Brooklyn's place. She's friend's with Isabella now. She is trying to get into our group. She dresses differently and is always laughing and smiling. Why would she act like that if she was a real friend to Brooklyn? I'm beginning to think Kennedy was never a real friend to my Brooklyn. I should have realized when she gave me that weird photo album with herself in almost every photo. Everyone else may have forgotten Brooklyn existed. But I never will! I won't stop until I find out the truth!

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