Family You Choose

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Brooklyn's POV

When I first met the Farrel's, I was nervous and unsure. But they welcomed me into their home, like a long lost family member. Felix has been so supportive. His kindness and generosity, honestly makes me feel so safe. Fiona has become my companion whenever Felix has to go to work. I'm not sure what it is he does, but I know he works with his dad Chris. Celine has been so welcoming, she insisted she take me clothes shopping since I didn't have much when I got here. I told her I'm used to not having much, but she just laughed. Next thing you know, my walk-in closet is full of clothing, shoes, and boots. My bathroom is well stocked with all the most popular makeup, skin care, and body products. It's been so long since I've felt this cared for. Not since my mother died have I felt the same type of love. The time we spend together feel's so relaxed. I can finally just be myself, without judgement. This is like the polar opposite of my life with my dad. Every day it get's a little bit easier, the heartache is still there, but I know now leaving was for the best. I just have to be strong for my baby and make the best of my life. Having people around who enjoy spending time with me helps. Chris always ensure's that I have everything I could possibly need. He is such a kind man and you can tell how much Felix means to him. I love the way this family loves each other and even me! I feel so accepted. Today at breakfast Chris mentioned he has something important to discuss with us. Felix looked nervous when Chris asked, but I'm sure he just has alot on his mind. He works long hour's with his dad and is always coming back tired. Celine knocks lightly on my bedroom door. I know it's her because she usually shows up in my room on family dinner nights since they're formal. She helps me pick out a dress and fix my hair. When we are finished Celine come's and sit's next to me on the bed. She take's my hand and set's it on her lap. " Do you know how happy we are to have you here with us? I honestly didn't realise there was a part missing, until you came home with Felix. Honey I feel so blessed to have you as a part of our family." Tears form in my eye's as I look at this wonderful woman. " Celine, I'm the lucky one. You have all given me so much." Celine leans forward and wraps her arms around me. " Sweet girl, come here." " Thank you so much" I say as I try to stop the tears. " You don't know how much you all mean to me."

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