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Brooklyn's POV

Who could this woman be? Something about her seems so familiar. But I just can't think where I know her from. "Did she look familiar to you?" I ask Matt. "I don't know. She escaped so quickly, I didnt get a chance to have a good look at her." Matt grabs my hand pulling me into him. "Baby, come here." He kisses me deeply, sucking onto my tongue. Our kisses can't seem to stay sweet, the heat between us is too strong. He thrusts his tongue into my mouth causing me to moan as his hard cock presses against me. "Haven't you had enough?" I smile against his lips as he chases my mouth again. "Baby I will never have enough of you. I can't believe I have you back. This time nothing will keep us apart." I pull back to look into his eyes. Then take his cheeks in my hands and stroke the dimples on his face. " I promise, you have me. We just need to make sure It's safe for Carter. This will be a big change for him. He's used to his life in England. He know's about you, but knowing and meeting are two different things. We also need to think about how this will effect Felix." Matt tries to step away but I pull him back. "I know he's a touchy subject for you. But I promise he has been nothing but a best friend to me. I love him, but not in a romantic way. We both know it's nothing more than friendship and we both respect that." He reaches down squeezing my ass cheeks. " If he even looks at you..." I grab hold of his cock and give it a tight squeeze. "Easy tiger. I'm yours, no need for violence. Felix has kept us safe. Please respect him for that. He has never asked for anything from me in return, he is family to both myself and Carter." Matt kisses me again leaning his body against mine. He slides his hand up my inner thigh until he reaches my slick center. He parts my legs with his thigh, then rubs his nuckles against my wetness. "For you baby I will play nicely. But please know that having any man around you makes my blood boil. Let alone when he is called your husband. I know it's not a real marriage, so we will not class it as your first wedding. That will be ours, I am your first and I will take every other first you have, do you understand that." I nod my head biting my bottom lip as he slides two fingers into me. He curls them hitting my sweet spot. I squeeze my thighs together and slide my hand into his hair pulling his mouth to mine. I rub and squeeze him over his suit trousers as he thrusts his fingers into my wetness. He turns me pressing me against the wall, we are so worked up it takes us a second to realise Felix has walked into the room. He clears his throat, the noise making us turn to face him.


Felix's POV

My eyes slowly open, I have a slight head ache but who fucking cares about that. I slide my hand over the silk sheet to reach for my babygirl, but feel nothing, just cold sheets. What the fuck, where is she? I sit up and look around the room. Her dress and shoes are no where to be seen. Please don't let her be gone. I didn't get her contact details, all I know is her first name. Is that even her real name? Why did I drink so much? The one time I find someone, not just someone. The one, I found my person I just know it. I've met her once and I know she's it for me. How crazy is that! This is destiny I know it, Brooklyn is back with Matt and that makes me a free man. Maybe not free, but I have a chance at a life with someone who wants me, only me. I turn over and grab the pillow she lay on bringing it to my nose to smell her sweet peaches scent. Her mask falls onto me and I pick it up, feeling the smoothness of it. It reminds me of her silky skin, the feel of it as I brushed my fingers up her silky thighs. Fucking hell I need to find her. I can't take not knowing if I will ever see her again. I jump out of bed and grab a pair of boxers. I slide them on then make my way into the sitting room only to be met with a sight I prayed I would never have to see. I clear my throat to let them know I'm here but they are so wrapped up in each other that it takes them a few minutes to realise I'm in the room. They both turn towards me with shock on their faces. "Don't let me spoil your fun." Brooklyn's cheeks blush and she runs her hands over he face. "I'm so sorry Felix." Matt steps forward putting his arms around Brooklyns waist. "I didn't get a chance to thank you. I appreciate everything you've done to keep my family safe." My fists clench, his family. It's true they have always been his. Never really mine, as much as it hurts to know he will take my place as Carter's dad. The role was never really mine to begin with. I tense my fingers, clenching them one more time. "It's fine, they mean the world to me and I'm lucky I have them in my life. They are family to me and always will be." Matt doesn't look convinced but still manages a smile then puts his hand out for me to shake. I walk forward and take his hand giving it a firm grip to let him know I mean buisness. "Did you see a beautiful brunnette?" Brooklyn and Matt both smirk. "We did, she made a run for it when we came in." I run my hands through my hair pulling at the roots. "How long ago? " Brooklyn notices my nervous habit and reads me so quick my head spins." Felix, you like her. Oh my god, who is she? How did you meet?" "B listen to me, how long ago did she leave?" She must see my turmoil, because she begins to go toward my room to grab my clothes. "She left about five minutes ago. If you get dressed quickly you might catch her." Before she has even finished I'm in the elevator. I have to catch her, I can't not know who she is. Once I get to the ground floor I look around desperately trying to find her. My heart drops when I see her getting into a cab. I call her name and people stop to stare at me. I must look like a crazy man in my boxers running after a cab but I have to catch her. It's my only chance. I try to flag a cab but quickly realise I have no cash. Fuck my life, what have I ever done to deserve this. I find my woman and she vanishes. I make my way back to the room and find Brooklyn and Matt sitting on the sofa. They look so happy together, will I ever get that happiness for myself? I just know that I have never felt anything like I did for Valentina with anyone else. I have to find her and make her mine. I walk into my bedroom and quickly pull some sweatpants on. When I walk into the sitting room Matt and Brooklyn are looking at a newspaper, their heads together whispering. "What's that you're looking at?" They both look up at me and I can tell from the look in their eyes that It's nothing good. " Felix, you need to see this, but promise me you will stay calm." I step towards them and Brooklyn stands up holding the top of my arms. "Promise me Felix." I step around her and reach for the newspaper. As i look at it I can't fucking breathe. "What the hell is this?"
Matt stands and tries to get me to sit down. "Felix it's an arranged marriage, your lady friend is the daughter of Xander Russo. These people are not to be messed with." I shake my head and laugh. " Are you fucking serious Matt? You of all people should know I know how these fucking people work." Matt takes Brooklyns hand pulling her into him. I can't let this happen, if she was happy about this union she wouldn't of been with me last night. "I need a shower and I need to think." I storm into my bedroom and into the on suite shower. I turn the water on and pull my boxers off throwing them. I step into the shower and look down at my cock. What the hell, how did I not notice this earlier. I have blood on the base of my cock. My mind flashes back to last night, when I first entered her I felt resistance. It was her virginity, I knew she felt too tight to be real. A feeling of complete possessiveness takes over. No man will touch whats mine. Whatever I have to do I will stop this wedding and get my girl.

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