Salty Sweet Encounter

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Requested by AvaVeevo

That's right their team meeting 341b! In story form

It all started during the turnover of spring to summer when the rain was at its worst. Normally, when it's rainy it's natural for others to want to stay in including the head honcho himself Hap and the many, many, other answer teams. It's a little odd but reasonable that not a lot of the answer teams inherently know each other. They just follow the drama in the breakrooms about what each team is doing at work.

Basically, unless Hap gives a worldwide announcement to the answer team department about one specific team (Which pretty much never happens), you can really only be known for one thing good or bad (Guess where our favorite answer team lies in that sector). However, if you don't really do anything EXTRAORDINARY, more or less, you'll probably be CREATING drama instead of being in it and probably slip through the cracks. That's not bad actually because we all know how being popular can stink at times (Just ask 352b!)

But this isn't about them. It's about two answer teams on different sides of the same coin coming together to complete their mission together

Now, let's start at the beginning,

Answer team 341b were working at their desk normally. Suddenly, out of nowhere, they were called to see Hap! They were all very confused because normally if they were called by Hap a gigantic tube would be the one escorting them right now but they didn't have time to ask questions because Hap is a very busy man and they didn't want to keep him waiting.

"Answer team 341b reporting for duty sir!" Beep responded cheerfully and the others stood respectfully, as normal as they looked, they were secretly dreading this meeting because they remembered the last time Hap called them for a one on one talk.

"Good! Because we have a situation! Answer team 452b can't answer a question and needs some help and I think this one's right up your alley. Willing to accept the task?"

"Sure! But who's answer team 452b?" Beep asked. "I knew you guys would ask." Hap picked up a phone and screamed "GIVE ME ANSWER TEAM 452B!" "In around 2 seconds, they came out a giant tube, with only the guy with glasses sticking the landing.

"Answer team 452b reporting for duty sir!" The girl with pink hair and twintails said"Don't report to me! Report to 341b because they chose to work with you!" Hap said, annoyed.

"Oh! In that case! Hello 341b! This is my team!" "Well, hello guys! It's nice to meet you all! Now what's your question?" "We have it written down." Said Bloom She gave the paper for her and the team to read and it said, "Why is the sea salty?" "Well this sounds simple enough." Said Beep. "No kidding! I already know where to go!" Bing said. He typed in the coordinates and before they knew it, the were at a building with the ocean in the distance, surrounded by a light storm.

"BING!" Beep yelled. "You couldn't have at least waited for them to explain WHY they need the help!?" "Well, there's rain adding to the already salty sea and that's a marine biology lab behind us! So would you rather argue or get in the water becoming saltier by the second which could lead to our answer? And look! There's scuba gear inside the lab!"

"Well, I guess this isn't a bad place to start.." Beep said dismissively. "Then let's gear up!" Bing cheered. Bing dashed off and everyone followed him to grab some scuba gear and suit up. When they all were finished gearing up. Bo asked a question no one bothered to ask.

"So, uh what are we supposed to look for?" "...right!" Beep said. "How about we check out the rocks and stuff? Like all the solids in the ocean?" Blam said. "Well, that would be easier to look for than to constantly gaze at the water!" Said Bliss. "Ooh! And we can use a camera man! To take pictures underwater!" Blam said, trying to make himself of use. "Sure! That works too! Well we're burning daylight people so let's go!" Beep said.

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