Fans To Friends

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Requested by MilkyAndTwiz

Resident new answer team 341S was in Hap’s office called by him. Eager to hear his thoughts, they were very attentive.

“So Boss, how have we been doing at work?” Asked Skipper happily.

“Skipper…” Said Snip.

“No, it’s fine.” Said Hap, raising his left hand.

“I’ve called you here to tell you how you’ve been doing at work.”

Everybody gulped.

“You’ve been doing well.” He smiled. “Great reviews from children and parents, very organized. You’ve been doing great!”

“WOO-HOO!” Everyone said, high-fiving.

“So is that all we’ve been calling for Hap?” Asked a Smiling Scarlett.

“Well, partially.” He said.
“What do you mean partially?” Asked Scott.

“You guys are doing good, but you can do great.”

“How can we be great boss?” Asked a determined Sage.

“Simple, by learning from other teams.” He said.

“I want you guys to learn about 352b. They started out with less than you five and went on to do great things.”

“Oh I remember them!” Said Snip. “They were the ones that fixed 341b remember! It was all over everything for a while!”

“It was?” Asked Scott. “I just tuned it out.”

“Oh so you don’t know about them Scott?”

“Of course I know about them Sage, I just tuned it out!”

“Alright Scott Jeez!” Said Scarlet. “What about you Skipper?” She asked smiling.

“I’m with Snip.” She responded.

“Okay!” Said Scarlett back.

“Do you know who they are Scarlet?” Asked Scott.

‘Well, kinda.” She said sweating. “All I know is that they fixed 341b.” She said nervous.

“Oh it’s fine!” Said Skipper. “Like what Hap said, we’re going to learn more about them!” She smiled.

“Indeed.” He grinned.

“Here you go.” Hap said, handing out a file. “All you need to know about 352b.”

Everybody opened up the file and started learning about the members looking through the work like an excited kid. The only one who didn’t was an annoyed Scott who said.

“With all due respect boss, isn’t this a waste of time? We want to be an answer team. Not just learn and copy what someone already is.”

“This isn’t copying Scott, you’re just learning about others to help with your work performance. This is completely optional, but I highly recommend it.”

“Come on Scott. Let’s just do it to learn.” Scarlet smiled.

“Yeah! Like what Obi-Wan-Kenobi said! You’ll find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly upon our own point of view-”

“Alright Alright!” He said annoyed. “I’ll do it as long as you stop shouting Star Wars quotes!” He said, covering his ears.

Sage and Scott shook on it, and Scarlet turned to Hap.

“Well boss, looks like you got yourself a deal!” She said smiling.

“Good.” He grinned. “Have a great read!” He said waving.

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