How do you Write a Story? Part 2

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Requested by MilkyAndTwiz82

After a fast trip through the tube, the 10 all crash landed in front of a bookstore courtesy of Spencer.

“Oh! I get it!” Becca said as soon as she got up. “We’re trying to find out how to make online books,  so we’re at a bookstore to learn that!” She cheered.

“Well duh!” Spencer said. “I don’t understand why it took two teams to do this.” He scoffed. “Let’s just go inside.”

452S followed Spencer through the door while 352b followed.

“Well someone’s a real ray of sunshine..” Becca whispered to the team as the four of them nodded in agreement with her

“We were assigned to work with them for a reason.” Bentley said, “So let’s just collaborate so we get the question answered.”

“Alright.” Blake smiled. “So who should we ask in the bookstore?” Blake asked the team in front of them.

“We are going to ask the person who looks for books in their database! They know the most about the bookstore, so it’ll be an open and shut case!” bragged Shawn.

“Okay!” Bay said. “We should put together a list of questions to ask and write some of the answers down.” She proposed.

“I like that idea!” Smiled Shelby. “Who would like to be the one to-”

“I’ll do it.” Said Shane.

352b got a little bit shocked to hear his voice, he’s been quiet the entire time they were together but 452S was indifferent to it.

“Okay! You can use my notepad!” Smiled Shelby.

“Thanks.” He said. “By the way, I love your idea Baylin.”

“Thanks..wait, how did you know my name?” She asked, confused.

“Alright everyone.” We’re here.” Said Spencer. “Notetaker, get to it.”

Shane instantly stopped talking and got out a pencil and paper.

“Excuse me.” Said Spencer.

“Yes?” The lady responded.

“We were wondering if you could tell us how to write a story online.”

The lady looked to her left, and then to her right.

“And why are you asking me for this?”

“Uh, because you work here?” He answered sarcastically.

The lady became grumpy.

“Just because I’m on a computer all day doesn’t mean I know how to write an online book.” She said, “And I think you and your little entourage need to get out, because you have no right to speak to me that way.” She added.

“We’re sorry.” Said Brianna. “We truly mean no harm.

“Then get out.” She said rudely.

“Alright alright geez.” Said Becca.

The two teams all left the bookstore all in a very bitter attitude, they didn’t expect the conversation to go as bad as it did.

“Well that sucked.” Becca said, “Where should we go now?”

“Maybe we could discuss this over some hot coffee or something.” Suggested Bentley.

“Fair enough, I’ll allow it.” Said Spencer.

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