It's Not You It's My Parents Part 1 (Brianna Angst)

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Requested by Totally_Not_Me_2010

Happy Birthday Girl!💕

Brianna gives into Peer Pressure from an outside force leaving her conflicted on what to do next

Friday, 7:00Pm

Friday, 7:00Pm

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"Hello mom."



Oh uh, it's night right now! See in the window!"

"I see. So does that mean you've finished another week of work?"


"Anything to report?"

"No. This week has been pretty uneventful."

"Is it because you were slacking off?"

"No, not at all! I still work hard and I sometimes like to host recitals and stuff to get out the house! Becca recommended it to me a-" A gasp finished the sentence.

"And who is Becca?"

Brianna shook in fear, she said too much.

"My....friend..." She whimpered. "She's from the answer department."

"I know, she's in your team from the newsletters Becca." Her mom sighed. "What I'm saying is that you've been making friends again?"

"Didn't your last one break your heart and cause you to shed enough water to cure all thirst problems in Africa?" Her dad asked.

"Well not that much..." Brianna said, under her breath. "No, these people are better, and they're all really cool!"

Brianna shook and clutched her hands to calm herself down.

"So the Answer Department people are your friends now?"


"Are they getting in they way?" Asked her mom.

"No." She said blunt.

"Good." She said, sipping some tea.

"Are you hanging out with them often?" Her dad asked.


"Even when you're working?"


Kind of...but we have breaks!"

"What do you do together?"

Brianna chose her words carefully and tried to avoid names but judging by her parents expressions, they could see right through the facade.

"Bong-cha. You're doing it again." Her mom facepalmed.

"Doing what?" She asked.

"Evading questions. Only saying what you think would be best said, you did that during Lunar New Year too."

"You never used to do this back then. Those friends of yours's are a bad influence." Her dad said.

"No they're not! you're just making assumptions!" Brianna screamed.

"You also barely did that back then as well." Said her mom.

"Th-that's because I couldn't do anything back then because you always closed me off from society!!"

Brianna realized what she said and instantly covered her mouth and sank her head into the pillow terrified.

"That's what you think Bong-Cha." Her mom stated. "Americans nowadays always put their feelings first and believe that they should be put at the center of the world just for being different.

"It only makes sense that a chaotic force of nature like you would've been absorbed in the craze. Especially when you hang out with entitled kids who think they know better."

"Wait, do you mean Becca?"

"What do you think BC? We read the work newsletters. Did you forget that fact again?"

Brianna looked away in shame.

"Jeez, stupid memory only wanting to work randomly." She thought.

"BC, you can't keep doing this or you'll end up right back where you started."

"But my, coworkers are great people mom! And I love them!"

"You know how dangerous it is to love your coworkers Bc. Do you really want to end up crying all brokenhearted again?"

"No bu-"

"And it's already bad enough that we couldn't even meet them."

"I'm sorry, it was just a very...very big mishap."

Brianna's parents exchanged a very focused gaze at each other and said.

"Don't let your workers get in the way of what's important." Her mom said.

"Yes mom..." She obediently sighed.

"And don't stay up too late." Added her dad.

Her parents then ended the call.

"Get in the way.." Brianna thought as she was putting her laptop away.

"They don't get in the way...we work hard just like everyone else! Why can't my parents understand that!" Brianna screamed, kicking her desk.

She then sighed. "Every time I think I'm getting close to them, they always build a wall blocking me off.

At least they don't seem to hate my friends

I just need to...keep them out my way..

Out of the way....

Brianna then went to bed shortly after that, her feelings about the video call taunting her the whole night.

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