Chapter 2: Grave robbing

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"Okay, do you have everything?"

"I think.."

"Let's go over it again.. Shovel?"






"And a belonging of the loved one?"

"I... couldn't find anything."

"I'm sure it'll be fine, I hope. Now go to the graveyard and call me from your mom's phone once you're there. Bring a raincoat, I heard its pouring out there."


"Cya in a bit!!"

Sunny put his phone back where it was, and sighed. He looked for his raincoat and rainboots, which he honestly hadn't used in a long time. The last time he wore them was when he was twelve. Did it even fit him anymore? He put on the raincoat.... Just barely. He already knew the shoes were too small and threw them back in the closet. He had to be quiet, though. It was the middle of the night, and Sunny had to not only steal his mother's phone, but also leave the house without making much of a noise.

So, taking what he had, he slowly walked out of his room. The hallway was dark and empty. Lightning struck in the sky, light pouring from the window at the top of the stairs. Sunny slowly walked down the steps, tiptoeing. He remembered where his mother usually left her phone; In her bag. She always left it in the living room unattended. But that was because she expected Sunny to behave. And he usually did. But in this moment... He needed to break the rules. For her. He picked up the phone, examining it. It was a silver Motorola, and seemed new. He opened it curiously, looking at the dull screen. It was just contact information for the business she worked for. Nothing interesting. He closed the phone and placed it in his pocket as he slowly stepped toward the door, but he heard the clacking of claws on the floor down the hallway.


If she saw him she'd get excited and meow, so he had to be quick and quiet. He opened the door with the keys in his hand, trying to prevent them from jingling. He then stepped outside and locked the door with a sigh.

Living in a small town, nobody was up at this time of day. And if they were, it was usually because they couldn't sleep. Nobody just walked around the streets. But Sunny was doing it anyway. He walked down the sidewalk, heading toward the church. He wasn't religious, but he felt awful about breaking into a church at night. He remembered when he and Kel interrupted the sermon Aubrey was at more recently, and now that he thought about it, that also made him feel terrible. He had no choice in this case but to do what he did before.

Sunny arrived at the front of the church, inhaling as he walked foreword. The doors were locked, but not well. Sunny pulled the crowbar in the middle of both doors and slowly pulled them open. All that locked the door was a piece of wood. He closed the door behind him but didn't bother locking it. He headed to the graveyard's door and anxiously pulled out his mother's phone. He dialed Francine's number and waited for her to pick up. Once she did, she began to whisper.

"Okay, you're in the church right?"


"Go outside and stay on the line. I'll tell you what to do okay?."


Sunny opened the door and looked around. It was dark. Very dark. He'd wish he had brought a flashlight. He slowly walked towards Mari's grave, and told Francine that he was there.

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