Chapter 6: Regret

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NOTE: I made up a dark website in this chapter that will most likely appear again. It's not a real website, and I do not encourage anyone to view the dark web. It's unsafe. I just wanted to include this in the story because the dark web was slightly easier to access in the earlier days of the internet. Shock websites were also popular at this time. A lot of these websites are now dead, or have been kept running through illegal means. While not all dark websites are illegal per say, it's still risky to try and view one at all. There could be viruses, that can steal your information, especially if you have any saved passwords or credit card information on the browser you use. Yes, there are alternative browsers to view onion sights, but I still genuinely do not suggest doing that. As someone who did this in the past, while I didn't see what I thought I'd see, like websites dedicated to selling illegal substances and dead bodies, I still suffered the consequences and had my credit card information taken from me. I was thirteen. So yes, while a character in this story decided to do this, please do not try it. Once again the website I listed is not real and I hope it never will be. It is fictional. Do not search for it. Or any other onion websites for that matter. I just wanted to put a warning before starting this chapter if there are younger readers that feel piqued to look up things on the dark web. It's interesting, but it isn't safe. For your own safety, don't do it. If it's interesting to you, watch other people do it online. Like on YouTube. Just read this silly OMORI fanfiction where Sunny goes on the dark web instead lol. Okay I'm done now, enjoy.

"Hey Sunny? You doing okay?" Kel asked as he opened the door slightly. He was surprised to find that Sunny wasn't in his room.

He rose a brow as he looked around, looking at the candles placed on the floor. in the middle of the floor was a small patch of charred wood. Was this where Sunny brought Mari back to life? It couldn't have been anything else. He did a double take to check if Sunny was there or not, and spotted the red blinking light of his phone. He had a voicemail. He curiously checked the caller ID, and it was someone he didn't recognize. He hesitantly picked it up and listened to the voicemail.

"Sunny, this is Francine. Please call me as soon as you get this. But you did something wrong in the ritual. I didn't realize how important it was to include a loved one's possessions because nobody had not done it before. But I think because you didn't use that sacrifice in the ritual... your sister may not have any memory of her past life. Or very little of it. I assume you would have found this out by now, but I hope things are okay. I don't know what I can do to help since I've never had to deal with this before. Try reminding her of things from her past. Things she liked, people she knew, places she went to. That's all I can suggest. I'm so sorry, Sunny. I wanted to be helpful but I was foolish and should have known all the proper rules. I was careless. I hope you can forgive me and restore your sister's memory.. Please call ba-"

The voicemail ended. The caller must have forgotten there was a limit on some phones. Kel frowned, realizing this was the person that helped Sunny bring Mari back. But whoever she was, she made a mistake and didn't realize until after the ritual was done. Kel began to wonder; Where did Sunny meet this person? She sounded like an adult, maybe in her mid twenties. Possibly her forties? Did he find her on a chat board online? Was he researching this for that long? He glanced at Sunny's desk and spotted his open notebook. He didn't want to go through it and be more of a snoop, so he simply read the pages presented to him...

October 12th, 2002

I think I found something that can help. The website www.lifelinedead.onion. Francine suggested it to me so I can get an idea of what the ritual might be like. It's a dark website so I had to install an alternative browser. I'm scared that I'll get caught. I don't want to go to prison. They already went through my case and said I was on thin ice due to my previous crime, but Basil and I had no charges because we both are mentally unstable, and we were younger when it happened. I didn't know it could work that way. It's strange. I'm going to do the ritual tomorrow when there's a thunderstorm, since Francine told me that's when its the best to do it. I watched some videos about people doing the rituals and it was kind of disturbing how their loved ones came back. Their bones started growing tissue and flesh and organs, and I had to look away a few times. I'm scared that I'll have to see Mari do that. I hope it isn't painful for her... I just want her back.

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