Chapter 13: Breaking and entering

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NOTE: I drew Sunny and Mari's designs in this au. It's not major, but I felt like drawing them anyway. Ok back to the story.

Sunny slowly opened his eye, feeling a cold breeze brush against him. He was laying on a picnic blanket. He slowly sat up, blinking a few times, turning to see his friends by the lake. Aubrey and Kel sat beside one another at the edge of the boardwalk, Basil sat behind them. Hero and Mari were by the water, talking to one another happily. Sunny slowly rose to his feet and walked over to the boardwalk, not wanting to ruin the moment for Hero and Mari.

"Hi.." Sunny waved sheepishly as he looked at his friends... and boyfriend.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up. We've been here for an hour." Aubrey chuckled.

"Yeah I got so worried! But now we know you're alright." Basil smiled, looking at Kel, nudging him gently with his elbow.

"Oh um.." Kel cleared his throat, standing up to face Sunny. "Since you are now my partner, I would like to present you with.. This." Kel pulled a flower out of his pocket, sweating nervously. It was a white tulip.

"You don't need to give me anything to prove that, Kel." Sunny smiled. "But I appreciate it. Thank you." Taking the tulip from Kel, he carefully held it in his hands. Later he wanted to put it in a vase so it would last longer.

Kel's face flushed as he laughed a bit, going to stand up when Sunny put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hold on..."

Sunny pecked his cheek, immediately feeling embarrassed as he looked away. Kel grinned, lifting the smaller boy off of his feet, twirling him around. Despite being surprised by this, Sunny didn't mind, laughing with Kel as they spun around.

"That was so gay." Aubrey chortled.

"Says you." Kel put Sunny down, crossing his arms.

"I think we should all go to the picnic blanket, now that Sunny's awake..." Basil said, pulling his sweater down slightly.

"Good idea. I'll go grab Hero and Mari." Aubrey stood up and made her way to the lovebirds, chattering away and flirting with one another.

The others headed to the picnic blanket sitting on it without letting it fold over. Mari had made the quilt years back, and it was surprising that it was still in good condition, aside from a few small holes and stains (the stains being made by Kel). Hero, Aubrey and Mari joined them, sitting in a circle. Mari rummaged through her picnic basket, handing out sandwiches and cookies to the other, while Hero passed out Caprisnun. They began to eat, talking in between bites; except for Kel, who spoke occasionally with his mouth full. Hero said he needed manners, while Sunny just found it silly.

Before they knew it, the day was beginning to end. Sunny looked up at the sky above, as it turned a soft shade of pink. They wanted to leave before it got dark, so they began to pack up their things to head back to Sunny and Mari's house. On the way back they continued to chatter happily. It was relieving.. things felt normal for the first time in forever. Or, so they thought. Arriving at the house, they saw a familiar car poorly parked in the driveway.


All six of them rushed into the house immediately, in search of her.

"This woman is fucking crazy!" Aubrey groaned, running upstairs with Hero while the others searched downstairs and kept Mari safe.

Once the two of them were upstairs, they heard shuffling from Sunny's room. Aubrey went to run and open the door, but Hero gently put his hand in front of her. He slowly opened the door, watching Francine frantically rummaging through Sunny's drawers on his desk.

"Excuse me?" Hero finally said with a stern tone to get her attention. "This is the second time you have broken into this house, from what I've been told, and you think that it's okay to go through a child's belongings just to get rid of his sister? And my girlfriend??"

Francine chuckled. "You kids don't realize how dangerous she is, do you?"

"I am not a child. And i am asking you politely to leave Sunny and his family alone." Hero said more sternly. Aubrey stayed him, surprised to hear Hero talk that way.

"Your little girlfriend is cursed! Sunny did the ritual and now she'll become unstable if she learns more about her past."

"What makes you so sure, huh!?" Aubrey butted in, fury screaming in her eyes.

"Look, I've been doing this sort of thing since high school. That was almost two decades ago. I know more about this than any of you. Please let me do what is the best for you and Mari."

Hero bit his lip. He and Aubrey were in a bit of a pickle. Whilst Aubrey was getting closer to attacking Francine again as she did last night, Hero was thinking of what to do.

"There has to be a way to remove the curse. We can't lose her again.."

"I'm sorry, there isn't any safe way to remove it. The only way to do it were to kill the person that summoned her; That being Sunny..."

Hero's eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak, but was pushed slightly as Aubrey tried to run at Francine. Hero held her back, strong enough to do so,

"YOU HAVE TO FIND ANOTHER WAY!! NEITHER OF THEM SHOULD GO!!" Aubrey gritted her teeth, still trying to barge into the room. "HERO!! LET ME GO!!"

"No! Even if we dont like this woman we aren't going to attack her!"


Francine frowned sympathetically, closing one of the drawers she opened. "I'm not doing this to hurt any of you. But you all will suffer if she isn't laid to rest.. including herself. I know it's immature of me to be breaking into a child's house; In fact that sounds really fucking creepy-..."

"There has to be another way. We need to figure it out." Hero said, tears forming in his brown eyes.

Francine let out a small sigh. "Tell you what; we can try to figure out how to help her. We could research online or in archives in the library. Let's see what we can do... okay?"

Hero rubbed his eyes, nodding as he tried to compose himself. Despite being an adult, he was still sensitive. Especially when it came to Mari. He let go of Aubrey once she calmed down. She let out a sigh, moving some of her bright pink hair out of her face.

"We all need to discuss it. Even Mari." Aubrey glared at Francine.

"Of course, of course. Let's go downstairs and update your friends about the situation.."

And so, they walked down the stairs, each of them dreading how the conversation will go.

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