Chapter 42: Bittersweet departure

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Sunny stared at the phone in Kim's hand intently. He was beginning to look irritated.

"Sunny we've tried calling her three times now I don't think she's going to answer."

Kim sighed, about to close the clamshell phone when Sunny rushed over and shook his head. He was beginning to look desperate as the sky became darker, the sun being blanketed by dark clouds and stars.

"There could be another way to get to her. Do you know where she lives?" Kim tilted her head a little.

Sunny nodded and grabbed Kim's hand, beginning to run back to the house. She really wasn't expecting this and nearly tripped on the sidewalk. For such a small boy, Sunny was an incredibly fast runner.

Opening the door after letting go of Kim, Sunny  rushed into the dining room, where Basil and Aubrey sat at opposite sides of the room, Vance beside Basil and Kel beside Aubrey. Mari was still unconscious and laid on the floor as Hero stayed beside her. Basil looked as if he had been crying, his eyes puffy and his cheeks stained of tears. Aubrey looked like she was trying her best not to cry in the first place.

"Guys..  Sunny needs to tell you all something. He doesn't seem to be able to speak right now, so I'm going to relay the message." Kim said as she rested her hands in her pockets. "Sunny agrees with Hero. That it isn't the greatest idea to keep Mari here. It's not just us, but she is also suffering. He.. wants to do the ritual early."

Everyone's eyes in the room grew wider. Despite it being dark, the expressions of everyone there were evident. Shock. Fear. Yet a hint of relief. Rubbing one of his eyes, Hero stood up,

"It may be for the best.... i just.. really wish we didn't have to do it... Have you tried talking to Francine?"

"Yup, but she never picked up when we called her."

"I..." Aubrey. "I think we need to do it. For her sake. We all haven't truly moved on and... we have to. We need to." Aubrey looked at Basil sympathetically. "It wasn't your fault. You did what you thought was right. I... need to stop being so blind."

"Its okay... I understand how you could possibly be feeling. Mari... she was there for all of us. No matter what. I'm still ashamed of what I did but I truly felt it was the best option in my little suicidal twelve year old head... all I thought of in the moment was Sunny." Basil looked up at Sunny, tears blurring his vision. Sunny slowly approached Basil and wrapped his arms around him. They both started to break down, and Sunny sobbed in Basil's shoulder.

Sunny then flinched after hearing the annoying ringtone of his mother's phone, picking it up, looking at Basil as if he was asking him to speak for him.

"I am so sorry, I've been busy with something. What ha- oh my god stop it, you-" Francine seemed to be with someone else... and was very distracted. "Anyway, what happened?"

"Um, hi, it's Basil. We think that... we should bring Mari back early. You were right about her becoming dangerous..."

"Oh jeez, im really unprepared. Hold on."

Francine started talking to the other person in the room with her, and all that Basil heard was mumbling. Then overheard the conversation..

"Francine you have to get ready if we want to help her... I'm.."

"Are you sure you're okay? Losing your second child for the second time.."

"Yes, but I have a son that I've been neglecting for too long. I need to provide for him to make up for the years I didnt.."

"Ayaka.. Naomi and Mari would be proud. Um, sorry Basil. Sunny's mother and I were um, just catching up."

"...who's Naomi?" Basil said slowly.

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