Chapter 27: Lack of sleep

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The meal was mediocre at best. Only slightly better than school food, but Sunny wasn't very hungry. After a few bites of his mashed potatoes he threw it out, feeling slightly nauseous as he filled up a paper cup with water from the water cooler. The cold water slightly burned his throat as he drank it slowly, standing by a window.

He stood there for a while until he felt a tap on his shoulder, looking behind him. There stood Catherine, who had a gentle smile on her face.

"Sunny, you should really eat more than that."

Sunny didn't answer, turning back to the window. He still wasn't hungry. Catherine sighed, patting his shoulder gently before walking to the other patients across from him. The unit they were in was specialized and had a cafeteria in the area itself. It was quite bizarre to Sunny, but all he wanted to do in that moment was sleep. Headspace wasn't the same as it once was, as he didn't rely on it for complete help and comfort, but it was still nice to dream about being with his friends. His real friends. His friends from Faraway. He wasn't Omori anymore. He was Sunny. Himself.

Yawning as he walked, Sunny tossed the paper cup into the recycling bin and made his way back to his room. A few patients had already gathered in the common room once more. Ava watched as he got closer to the hallway where their bedrooms were lined out in.

"Sunny, you can't go back to your room unless you forgot to get something like a blanket or toy."

Sunny looked at her with a slightly irritated expression, yet she didn't seem bothered by it. He walked down the illuminated hallway, a cold and gentle breeze from the air conditioning playing with his hair. He sound the room he had woken up in. It had his full name on the door, just a piece of paper taped on.

'Sunny Hiroshi Zhao'

He didn't like his full name. Or his first name very much. Not because he found it ugly or weird, but it didn't fit the kind of person he turned out to be. He wasn't exactly a cheery or sunny person. At the same time, being named Sunny gave him some sort of hope for a reason he didn't understand. As for the rest of his name, Zhao is his father's last name, and Hiroshi is the name of his grandfather on his mother's side. Most east asian families only have a first and name, but considering both of his parents were born and raised in America, they gave their children middle names.

Sunny found Mari's full name to be beautiful. Mariya Yan Zhao. Or Mari for short. He felt like she was perfect. In almost every way. Envy crept into his thoughts, shaking them away as he went to open his door when someone yelled his name.

"Sunny! Come to commons, you cant be in your room until 7pm!"

It was a man he didn't recognize. Another therapist or support staff he assumed. He rolled his eye a little and pulled the doorknob (which was more of a handle), going into his room. He flopped onto his bed, wincing as he remembered how stiff the mattress was. Sunny managed to roll onto his side and wrap himself in the blankets provided to him. No thin blankets. They could be used for... impractical purposes. So he had a simple comforter and fair blanket, both being dark blue. He pressed his head into his pillow, which was rather flat, and covered his face with blankets. He could already hear his name being called from the other side of the door, but he was too tired to reply. Not being too comfortable in the strange bed, he managed to sleep quicker than he thought he would...


Mari had decided to pay Hero and Kel a visit. They were conveniently her neighbors. Slipping on some laceless sneakers, she walked down the sidewalk, watching Hector run in circles in the front yard, running up to her happily once she went through the gate. Mari smiled as she scratched the dog's chin and behind his ears, before walking to the front door, Hector following behind her.

Mari hesitated to knock on the door, considering the doorbell was still broken (and had been since before she passed). She waited a few moments, and the door clicked open, Hero and Kel's father opening it.

"Oh, hello! Who are you?"

"I'm Mari, I dont think you remember me-."

"Mari Zhao? She passed away a few years ago, unless you just have the same name.."

"I'm Mari Zhao.. uh.. it's hard to explain. I'm here to see Hero?"

"O-Oh uh sure, let me get him..." Hero's father had a stoic look on his face as he called out to his son.

Hero came down the steps and smiled once he saw Mari, running to her and pulling her into a hug. Mari leaned into his warm chest, looking up at him as he began to speak.

"Are you okay? Is Sunny okay?"

"Yeah.. did Aubrey tell you?"

"Yes.." Hero frowned. "Are you sure he's going to be okay?"

Mari nodded. "We can call him in a few hours. How is Kel doing?"

"He... just went to his room after Aubrey told us what happened. He never does things like this. Im worried.."

Sighing, Mari walked up the steps to the room, Hero timidly following behind her.

"I don't know if we should bother him."

"Hero, trust me. I know what to do." Mari turned to Hero briefly and smiled, his cheeks flushing slightly. She was so pretty.....

Mari gently tapped on the door with her knuckle, and the door slowly opened. Light from the hallway seeped into the dark room, shining on Kel's bed. A large lump was formed under the orange covers. He was definitely there. Mari slowly stepped towards his bed and sat at the end, Kel shifting slightly.

"Hey Kel... It's Mari. I know it's scary. We all are worried about Sunny, but I assure you he's doing okay..."

Kel sat up, the blanket covering part of his face. His eyes were slightly puffy from crying. "But what if he's not okay?? What if he's scared?? Or hurts himself?? O-Or someone else?? I cant pretend to be okay about this, my... my boyfriend is in the hospital.."

"He went there to get help, Kel. It's only for two days. Plus you remember what I told you; he can call later." Hero replied softly.

"It isn't the same, Hero... I want to be with him..."

"And you will be very soon, he just needs this time-"

Kel uncovered his face, tears rolling down his cheeks as he furrowed his eyebrows. "He just got out of the hospital for fighting with Basil and tried killing himself while he was there! What if he tries again!? I don't want to lose him." Kel choked sobs, crying into his palms.

Hero and Mari were shocked. They had never seen Kel cry like this before, or really at all. Yet they understood how he was feeling. It was hard to have your brother, your partner, or friend to be in a situation like this. Kel wanted to visit Sunny, make sure he didn't hurt himself. Or kill himself. Two days was too long for him. It made him uneasy...


Sunny was being lectured by multiple strangers on the rules of the unit. He couldn't be in his room during the day unless he was sick, needed something or there was a lockdown. But he wanted to sleep. He was exhausted. He eventually settled for sleeping in a corner on the floor of the activity room, sinking into his oversized sweater. Sunny found it more difficult to sleep. He heard every little sound nearby. The humming of the fan and lights. The chatter of the other patients. The footsteps of those who walked in and out of the room. It was making him paranoid and uncomfortable.

All he wanted was to be alone.

Yo im back! I'll try to update as often as i can!

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