Chapter 20: That was awkward

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Once Mari had settled down, Hero went to make her some tea to help with inflammation in her knee. While she waited for him to bring it she flipped through the tv channels. Not much was on at the moment, but she got a kick out of a channel that had reruns of The Wheel of Fortune on. They only played reruns in the daytime, and at night new episodes would air. Considering she hadn't watched the show in four years she opted to stick with that station. She had always tried to play along with the contestants, which she also did with Jeopardy and Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

Keeping her leg lifted on the arm of the other side of the couch, she watched intently, laughing whenever a contestant couldn't answer quick enough or answered wrong. Meanwhile she was able to answer most questions correctly, aside from a few about recent pop culture. A lot can change in four years, yknow.

Hero eventually came back to Mari sitting on the couch with her head dangling like a bat, her legs in the air. He rose a brow, putting the cup on the coffee table.

"Mari, don't do that for too long, you'll feel sick."

"Ive been doing this for fifteen minutes and I feel perfectly fine! I think its the whole being dead thing?"

"Oh. Right. Just don't move your leg too much okay?"

"Yessir." Mari playfully saluted, Hero becoming flushed as he laughed.

Hero sat beside her, not hung upside down, answering questions with her. They both got the answers correct most of the time but raced to say it first, resulting in a playful argument. Just then, Mari could hear creaking from the hallway, watching her mother walk out to look at them.

"Oh, hello Hero." Ms. Zhao said with a smile.

Hero waved as smiled back. He hadn't seen her in a while, since before Sunny and Basil were sent to the hospital. She knew not to mess with him after he got upset with her not going to support her child after he tried offing himself. He had to be a parental figure for Sunny, and they weren't too far apart in age. While he still held his grudges, Mari told him she had been giving Sunny more attention and praise. It was a good start, but it would never fix what she ruined. And she was aware of that. But she wanted to try and find reasons why everyone loved her son so much. She had to admit, she was a lot like him when she was his age, so she felt like a hypocrite. Of course she didn't have severe mental trauma and autism but she was treated the same for not having good grades and not being as attractive as her sister.

Ms. Zhao had keys in her hands. "I'm going out to run some errands for Thanksgiving.. is there anything you two would like?"

"Nothing in particular, but thank you." Hero smiled.

"Can you see if they have pumpkins? Maybe we can carve it, even though its not Halloween anymore." Mari frowned a bit.

"Sure, I can look into it. But if Sunny wants to join be sure to monitor him with sharp objects okay?" Ms. Zhao then left, locking the door behind her.

Hero heaved a small sigh of relief. "I'm just glad that she's caring more about Sunny. At least I hope that's the case."

"Im sure she's trying her best. I just wish he always had that support from her..."

"He's only sixteen, so hopefully the rest of his time he'll find more people to support him. He has us, he just needs to learn to love and support himself."

"What if he cant? What if he tries ending his life again... I... I don't want to be a bad sister.." Mari started to tear up as she sat properly on the couch, carefully moving her leg.

"He wont if we're here for him... trust me... he's been doing better, Mari."

"Better? Having a mental breakdown and carrying knives around is your definition of better?"

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