Chapter 34: Just relax

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"Kel, you set the tables right?" Hero called out to Kel from the kitchen

"I think?"

"What does that mean?" Hero rose a brow and headed to the dining room. The table seemed set for the most part, but there was a lack of forks on the napkins.

"Kel... where are the forks?"

"I couldn't find any."

"... you do know that we have a dishwasher full  of them right?"

"Ohhhhhh right I forgot we had that, heh." Kel scratched the back of his head as he walked to the kitchen to get what he needed. Though, as Hero watched him he noticed something.

Kel had gotten taller than him.

Knowing Kel would be thrilled, Hero planned on spilling the news to his younger brother. Now they didn't have to compare heights every year, it was beginning to get annoying. Once Kel returned with the forks in his hands, Hero cleared his throat.

"Kel, I have to congratulate you for something I never thought you would surpass."

"Getting the forks?"

"No, haha- Cmere."

Kel shrugged and walked up to Hero, standing in front of him for a few seconds. He was at least three inches taller than Hero now, and he hadn't even realized until now.

"YES!!! Im finally the taller brother!!"

"I may have some time to catch up."

"You stopped growing last year." Kel stuck out his tongue, Hero letting out a small chuckle.

"Just don't get any taller, it'll suck."

"But if I'm super tall I can reach things, easily play basketball, yknow that stuff."

Hero scoffed with a smile, jumping when he heard the doorbell. Wait, who fixed the doorbell? It had been broken for almost five years.

"I'll get it!!" Kel quickly put the last fork onto the napkin and rushed to the door, opening it to see Aubrey, Kim, Vance and Basil, dressed pretty formal for some reason.

Aubrey had lent clothes from Mari, wearing a pleated mahogany skirt, a black shirt, black mary janes and a white cardigan. Her hair was braided (likely by Kim) and was dyed a slightly different shade of pink. Kim, standing by her, wore black slacks, a red dress shirt and heels. Vance was wearing a brown suit with brown khakis and black dress shoes, his hair slicked back slightly with gel. Basil wore a grey tweed jacket with a green muffler around his neck, black boots and brown khakis. The flower in his hair looked to be a tiger lily, having orange and white petals with stripes to accent it.

All Kel was wearing was a sweater and ripped jeans.

"Umm... what's with the fancy pants clothing?"

"We wanted to dress nice because this is one of the last things we can do with Mari." Aubrey said as she tugged her skirt down slightly. "You and Hero should get dressed in something more formal so its not weird. Especially you, Hero." Aubrey smirked.

"Right, right. Lets go, Kel." Hero said as he made his way to the steps.

The others made their way in, Basil sat next to Hector, who was laying down on the carpet. While Basil had always preferred cats, he still loved dogs to pieces, especially Hector. Vance, Aubrey and Kim sat on the couch, Vance leaning over to pet Hector as well, scratching behind his ear. He definitely seemed to be enjoying this.

They then wondered; Where was Mari and Sunny? They only lived next door, so what was the problem? Coincidentally, the doorbell rang again. Basil was the first to walk over, opening to see none other than Mari... where was Sunny?

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