Chapter 22: Whoops

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Fun fact, this chapter is based on something that happened last year. I was sixteen and my friend was eighteen. But he looks older than he should. For some reason an alcoholic drink was mixed in the other sodas and he took it. He got kind of drunk because he said he liked the flavor of it. I was able to get him to stop but it was so weird. How did he even get away with that?? I will never know.

The pizza had finally finished, and Hero carefully took the pan out of the oven with mitts. It actually smelled pretty good. Placing it on the counter to cool down, he called out to the others in the living room. He was surprised when nobody came. He walked to the entrance of the kitchen and looked at them. They were huddling around Sunny.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

Kel look at his older brother with a nervous smile. "Um... I think you guys bought Sunny alcohol."

Hero's eyes widened as he rushed over. Sunny was laying in Kel's lap, a tired look on his face. His cheeks were still red.

"I told him to stop drinking it but he said he liked the taste.." Basil sighed.

"Sunny why did you pick out alcohol?? We're all underage." Hero stressed.

"Mmm... I didn't know... it was spiked..." Sunny yawned softly.

Mari rushed in once she heard their conversation, panicking. She caught a glimpse of the nearly empty can of soda on the coffee table, picking it up and reading the back. It really did have alcohol. And quite a bit of it. The cashier possibly didn't know she and Hero were underage. Hero hadn't seen her before so she was a new employee. It was also possible she didn't know what to do, but wasn't she trained to deal with these kinds of things?

Standing up again, Mari poured the rest of the drink in the sink and disposed of the can. She also got a cold glass of ice water for Sunny to drink. Despite being shy and closed off, her little brother was known for doing pretty bold things.

Sunny leaned up slightly and nuzzled into Kel's chest, causing him to blush. He looked so small on his lap, and his typically frigid body was warmer. Sunny most likely wasn't drunk, but tipsy instead.

"We should bring him upstairs to his room. The minute our mother finds out about this she will freak out." Mari sighed.

"Yea ummm... I'm tired..." Sunny yawned once more. "Does alcohol make you tired...?"

"Sometimes, but it depends on the alcohol content." Basil replied.

Kel lifted his tipsy little boyfriend in his arms, walking upstairs. Mari followed behind him, still holding a glass of water. She would let Sunny rest, but would at least make him drink the water. She'd bring up some pizza in case he was hungry as well. Once Sunny was laid in his bed he turned to face away from them.

"Hey, can you try drinking some water?" Mari asked softly, gently poking Sunny's back.

Sunny tiredly sat up and gently took the glass of water from his sister, ending up finishing all of it in one sitting. Mari pursed her lips as he returned it to her.

"Th-Thanks..." Sunny laid back down, mumbling something to himself they couldn't hear.

Kel and Mari left his bedroom, carefully closing the door behind them.

"Didn't you see him pick out his drink?" Mari asked with some hostility in her voice.

"Yes, but I thought it was a regular soda so I didn't question it... Sunny said part of the label was scratched off on the front. Maybe it said something about it being alcoholic at one point?" Kel sighed with a nervous smile.

"Okay... thanks for clearing that up. Make sure to read the backs of things before buying them in case they have allergens or other substances in them. Got it?"

Kel nodded with frown. "Yes ma'am."

"I'll bring Sunny some food, go downstairs and help yourself." Mari smiled, Kel walking out the door.

The others had already begun eating. The pizza actually wasn't that bad, but it wasn't perfect. They tried their best though. Kel grabbed a slice, about to eat it when Hero gave him a look.


"Kel, get a plate."

"Why? I can eat it like this."

"You're going to make a mess."

Kel sighed, grabbing a plate from the pantry, slapping the pizza on top of it. He then sat beside Aubrey, the last two seats reserved for Sunny and Mari. Sunny was still drunk... that was weird to think about. Mewo waltzed into the dining room, rubbing against Hero's chair. While he wasn't a cat person, Mewo was an exception. He smiled, scratching behind her ear as she purred.

Mari had returned, but only to get Sunny some food. Although he wasn't hungry, she wanted to play it safe. Sunny already didn't eat enough as is. She left a fresh glass of water and some pizza on a plate by Sunny's nightstand. She let out a sigh, running a hand through her violet hair.

For the rest of the night, the others played Monopoly. Normally Sunny opted to be the banker, but because he was resting, Basil took over instead. The game lasted almost four hours due to Aubrey and Kel's constant bickering, which definitely annoyed Hero and Mari. Alas, in the end, Aubrey won, Kel feeling bitter about her luck. She boasted her win in Kel's fight, leading to another childish argument.

It had definitely been an interesting day...

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