Chapter 29: Dying flame

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Before you read the chapter, I want to thank everyone for the support given to this story by far. I really didn't think my silly idea would get this far in the first place. You guys are so kind an encouraging and that keeps my creative drive going.

As of writing this (january 2nd) I will be turning 18 in a few days. As horrifying as that is in theory for me, I'm a little excited nonetheless. Although this account is new, I've been writing stories on Wattpad since 2014. No story has ever gotten this much love and I'm so happy people enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. It means so much to me that I'm somehow entertaining people with my stupid fanfiction.

One last thing before moving on. I will most likely redraw the cover. When i made the current one, I did it based on my ideas at the time, but now that this story is actually continuing in a different direction, I want the cover to reflect it.

Ok my bad, on to the story.

"I'm not sure if I want to do this anymore.." Basil squeaked as he gripped his shears, looking out the window of Ayaka's car.

"Too late, we gotta kick some ass." Aubrey pressed a finger into one of the newly placed nails on her bat.

"Be sure to stay quiet. Avoid standing close to windows, don't touch anything unless it's required to help Mari and Hero... got it?" Ayaka turned to the kids in the back seat, each of them nodding. She then looked at Sunny, who sat anxiously in the seat beside her.

"What... if she's already...."

"I know she isnt. She's alive- as alive as she can be at least." Ayaka sighed, placing a hand on her son's. For some reason it comforted him.

"Shit she's outside already??" Aubrey panicked.

Kel looked at Sunny, and nodded. They quietly left the car and took cover by a few empty oil barrels. Francine was talking to someone on the phone, and looked frustrated. Sunny glared at her, tempted to run and tackle her... but he advised against it. When she turned away from them, Kel and Sunny hurried to the opposite side and hid beside the brick wall where she couldn't see them. They could now hear what she was saying.

"She just keeps resisting. I think it's been too long... I cant do that, I don't want to hurt him... the kid is there because you need a loved one present to succeed in the ritual... Sunny wasn't there. Please, I am not going to hurt that kid. I just want to end Mari's misery... she's becoming too unstable-"

Whoever was calling  Francine hung up, she growled and squeezed her grey clamshell phone. She wanted to throw it, but considering how expensive it was, she decided that wasn't a great idea. Instead she walked back through the doors she came through, locking the door behind her.

How were they going to get in? Sunny had an idea. He picked up a loose brick from the side of the wall and chucked it at a metal trashcan farthest to the door. Francine came out to investigate, leaving Kel and Sunny to hurry into the building, locking the door behind them.

When they entered, the room was empty. A dying candle illuminated the space, flickering as it struggled to maintain its glow. The candle sat on an old desk, which had papers sprawled on it. Kel curiously picked up a paper, reading the words on it in the dark the best he could. His eyes then widened and he looked over at Sunny.

"Yo, look at this-."

Sunny hesitated to walk over, gently taking the paper from Kel. It was a hand written note, that was mostly hard for the both of them to make out, but Sunny was able to read some of the text to understand what the purpose of it was.

...she shows signs of aggression whenever i go near the boy. she almost killed me last night, but I managed to contain her for the time being to complete the ritual. I am documenting this so that I can remember how to do the ritual without fail in the future... despite forcing the boy to stay, mari resisted the spell. I think she has gotten too strong for me to do this alone. I will reach out to ken and layla for help before the weekend. I don't have family to celebrate thanksgiving with anyway...

Those names... Ken and Layla...

They sounded familiar...

But how?

"I know you're in there, kid. I don't want anyone to get hurt, I just want to help-."

As Francine opened the doors, the room was empty. The paper had flown onto the floor. She shook her head and sighed as she picked it up. She was beginning to question if she should even keep these people alive in the first place. Plus, when her friends came, they could try new rituals with their bodies...


She was a good person. She couldn't kill anyone... yet...

...She killed her own father.


Sunny panted as he tried to catch his breath, Kel seemingly unbothered by the sprinting they had just done. They stood in a dark hallway, which had cracked walls and loose tiles. Down the right side of the hallway was a soft yellow glow from a candle. Could Hero and Mari be there? Sunny went in that direction but his sleeve was pulled gently by Kel.

"Sunny... we aren't here to stop them or fight. We're here to guide the others here to help them.

"I cant just let her kill them!!"

"She'll kill you if you intervene!"

"Why does that matter." Sunny quietly scoffed, booking down the hallway. Kel stood in place, slowly taking out his phone and dialing Ayaka's number.

"You two in?"

"Yes but..."

"But what?"

"Sunny wants to do it all himself."

"Okay we'll be on our way. Where is Francine?"

"In her office."

"Open the back doors for us if you can."

"Got it-"

Once Ayaka hung up, Kel rushed to wherever the back door was. It was surprisingly easy to find. He was worried about Sunny... but knew that as long as Francine stayed in her office he'd be safe. So he hoped.

Hero was limp, curled up on the floor. He was separated from Mari until Francine figured out what was wrong with her. But Hero tried to fight back and... got shot with a tranquilizer. He had been locked in the room for a few hours, cold and afraid of what could happen to him or Mari.

He missed his brother. He missed his friends. He just wanted them to be okay if something went wrong for him. Hero was the oldest, he had to be mature and make a good impression...

Sitting up slowly, Hero rubbed his head and groaned. He had a killer headache, and laying on a wooden floor didn't help with it. He had tried to escape a few times, but the door was too thick.


Who was calling him? Their voice sounded familiar...

The door opened, Hero pressing his back against the wall. But he wasn't expecting to see Sunny standing on the other side. His eyes widened.

"Sunny, how did you- what are you doing here??"

"I want to help..."

"This is too dangerous- did the others come too?"

Sunny nodded, Hero sighing sadly. He struggled to get to his feet, Sunny helping him up the best he could.

"Where is Mari?"

"Last time I saw her she was in this strange room... the only room with power, strangely enough."

"Power..." Sunny mumbled, looking behind him. There was another floor above them. Perhaps Mari was still there?

"Sunnyyyy... What are you doing?" A sickening voice called; Francine.

Sunny and Hero had to hide quickly. And fast...

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