Chapter 33: I love you

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TW: gore, panic attacks, self harm



Sunny slowly opened his eye, blinking slowly. Surrounding him were piles of stuffed animals in a seemingly endless space. He must be dreaming. Pushing himself onto his feet, he looked around in the vast sea of stuffed animals of many shapes and sizes.

This was an interesting dream so far. He rarely had good dreams anymore. Sure, headspace still lurked in the crevices of his mind, but his adventures always got interrupted by a replay of his traumatic events. He thought that because he no longer relied on headspace for comfort, and that Omori, or rather himself, was suppressing his emotions and memories to the point of forgetting what truly happened.

Sunny nearly tripped on a stuffed animal in front of him, trying to keep his balance as he looked at what he stepped over. But it wasn't a stuffed animal. Sunny slowly backed away in horror, his breathing becoming shallow as the room seemed to close in. He stared at what he had tripped on, choking on tears that wouldn't escape his eye.

He had tripped on Mari's dead body.

Frantically looking around, Sunny's surroundings darkened and only continued to close in on him. There was a lump in his throat. He tried to move, but couldn't, being forced to stare at his sister's corpse. Her hair was tangled and had dried blood matting it, her left leg was dislocated and her back looked distorted. Blood seeped through the fabric of her white, delicate dress, and pieces of wood stuck out from her skin.


She fell on his violin.

Sunny desperately tried to wake up, to no avail. Mari's body slowly rose from the floor, her long, tangled hair covering her face as she stood on her bare feet, drops of blood falling beside her. She slowly lifted her head to see Sunny, only one eye visible. The same haunting eye that traumatized him years ago. Mari slowly stepped toward Sunny, making no sounds as she seemed to glide across the floor. She took one disheveled hand and cupped Sunny's cheek, his breathing becoming more rapid.

"Sunny... I love you..."

Mari pierced Sunny's skin with her nails, which were now tapered to a point. She aggressively ripped off a chunk of his skin, picking at it in her hand. Sunny was finally able to move his body, gasping in pain as he shakily covered his cheek. He could feel everything. He slowly backed away from Mari, then went to break into a run, but was pulled by his hair, feeling hair being ripped from his scalp. Sunny let out a cry in pain, Mari forcing him to face her. But...

Mari looked like how she did currently. Short purple hair, rosy cheeks, slender legs, beauty marks on her face. She smiled at him, gripping his hair harder as she cheerfully laughed with her eyes closed. Sunny tried to break free from her grasp, panting as he pulled at her arm. After a few tugs, Mari held his wrist with her other hand, opening her eyes.

They were glowing white.

"I love you, Sunny." Mari grinned, crushing his wrist.

Sunny howled out in pain, his bones crunching due to the force. Mari only gripped it tighter, eventually twisting his hand and ripping it off of his arm. Sunny sobbed, staring at his arm, which now lacked a hand, and was bleeding profusely. Mari let go of his arm, her grin softening.

Sunny fell to his knees, feeling nauseous as he lost blood. Mari stood over him, simply watching him.

"You should have never brought me back. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have to suffer. You know that, right?"

Nodding, Sunny closed his eye, tears rolling down his cheek and falling into his wound. It stung, but that was the least of his worries right now. He then heard muffled voices from above him, but kept his eye closed. But when he opened his eye, he sprung up in bed, shaking in fear and gripping onto his arms. He heard soft mumbling, his ears ringing so he couldn't hear exactly what was being said.

He looked to his right and shifted away immediately. It was Mari. Sunny began to hyperventilate, his body shaking uncontrollably as he panted, his mind running at fifty miles an hour.

"...ny? okay?"

Sunny didn't respond. He could barely hear her anyway. He began scratching the sides of his arms with his nails, when Mari frantically uncovered him and held his hands. He recoiled  and leaned closer to the headstand, beginning to feel dizzy from hyperventilating.

"Sunny, I need you to look at me. It's okay." Mari gently made Sunny face her, yet he still seemed afraid. "Whatever bad dream you had isn't real. I'm okay. Everyone and everything else is okay. You aren't in any danger."

"...take some deep breaths with me. Follow my lead..."

Mari inhaled through her nose, Sunny hiccuping as he tried to do the same, slowly ceasing to scratch at his skin, which was now raw. Mari exhaled from her mouth, Sunny shakily doing the same. Mari continued to guide him through a breathing exercise, until he eventually started breathing steadily.

He felt weak. He felt tired. He was tired.

"Any better?"


Yo this chapter is shorter because I wanted to upload another chapter before working on the last few, which will be much longer. Im surprised with how much people are enjoying this. But if you like my stuff, don't worry. I'll be working on another story shortly after this one is finished. Stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, expect the next few chapters to come out slower. They're important to closing the story.

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