Chapter 17: So it's a date? (Part 2)

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NOTE: HI!! So this chapter isn't super important, its more of wholesome filler. While it doesn't get into sexual territory, there will be some intimacy later near the end of this chapter. Aka making out. You can skip through this if you are uncomfortable with that. Btw none of the minors in this story will be doing that. I'm not comfortable writing about minors being intimate like that. Hero and Mari are both 19 in this story. They are adults. I'm not gonna write about Sunny and Kel making out because they're minors also its very out of character. If not, enjoy I guess lmao.

Hero stared at the track in front of them. It steeper than the previous one they rode on, and his heartrate began to speed up. Mari kept her hand on his, smiling happily, comforting him by rubbing it. Hero took in a deep breath as they got closer to the top, and the ride stopped for a few seconds. Hero was able to get a view of the park, and some of the city farther out. But the car went down the track, Mari screaming in joy, Hero screaming in fear. Mari held his hand and raised his arm in the air with hers. Hero felt... almost excited? The breeze felt nice. He slowly put his other arm up, Mari laughing as they continued to go down. The car then slowed, and they realized the ride was over.

Mari hugged Hero in excitement. "Oh my gosh you did it!! Wasn't it fun??"

"To be honest... it kind of was." Hero chuckled nervously. "The view was pretty, and the breeze was nice."

"I'm proud of you, Hero."


"Because you got over another fear of yours... by the way... how's the arachnophobia?"

Hero hissed through his teeth. "Just peachy." He said as he held Mari's hand, walking off of the ride. They grabbed their belongings and headed out from the exit.

Mari chuckled. "So you're still afraid of spiders?"

"Why wouldn't I be??" Hero sighed.

"Maybe I should help you get over that fear, huh?"

"Nope. Nope. Nope." Hero ran while holding Mari's hand, hearing her snicker behind him.

Hero and Mari stood by stands offering various kinds of foods. They walked around for a bit, looking for something of interest. There were the standard popcorn and hot dogs, but some stands had cultural dishes, like empanadas, onigiri, curry and Jamaican beef patties. Near the end Mari spotted a stand selling arepas.

"Ooh I love arepas, can we get some?"

"Yeah, sure. I haven't had them in a while..." Hero replied as they walked to the stand.

At the stand was an elderly woman with what they assumed was her grandson. They had different kinds of arepas. Of course there was the standard cheese arepa, but there were ones with meat and fruit, and some with spices.

"Hello, interested in anything?" The woman asked kindly. The boy behind her, who was currently working on an order, smiled and waved at them. He seemed to enjoy cooking.

"Uhm.. Yes. May I have the uhhhh.. I don't know how to pronounce it." Mari looked at Hero. He thankfully was fluent in Spanish, considering his family was Mexican and Venezuelan. He mostly spoke Spanish around other relatives, sometimes when he got mad at Kel. Kel understood Spanish, but couldn't speak it for the life of him.

"Arepa Rumbera?"

"Yeah that one." Mari chuckled.

"I'd like the same thing.. as well as a bottle of water."

"Oh Hero, why don't you get something cool like a soda?"

"I'm trying to watch what I eat and drink right now. I already had cotton candy and now i'm getting an arepa..." Hero chuckled nervously.

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