Chapter 5: Chaos ensues

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"How exactly did I... die?" Mari tilted her head slightly.

"I don't really feel comfy answering that right now..." Basil replied, playing with his sleeves nervously.

"That's alright! I think I'm beginning to remember a bit. It's kind of strange, really.. Suddenly being reminded of things from the past. How long as it been? Since, I y'know.. died?" Mari chuckled.

"Four years..." Basil mumbled.

"Four? Wow, that must mean you're sixteen now? And Kel, you're turning seventeen in November?"

"U-Uh yea-" Mari had remembered when Kel was born. Things were looking bright.

There was then an aggressive knock on the door. "SUNNY OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR."

Aubrey was here. And she was pissed. Sunny slowly walked to the door, his hand shaking as he turned the doorknob. There Aubrey stood. She was surprisingly not carrying her bat with her, and tears streaked her face.

"Please tell me this isn't a joke. Please tell me you're for real." Aubrey sobbed, anger laced in her tone.

Sunny hummed quietly and let Aubrey in.  Once she walked in, she stared at Mari. She tilted her head and squinted a little, a small smile forming on her lips. She was shaking. None of the boys had ever seen her like this before. It was bizarre.


Mari looked at Aubrey and smiled. "Oh! Another friend of yours?"

Sunny looked at the floor awkwardly. Aubrey's smile faded. "What do you mean- Mari do you know who I am?"

"Hmm.. not really. But I'm loving the hair and contacts! I feel like I knew someone who liked pink so much.." Mari thought, playing with a strand of her hair.

Aubrey walked slightly closer. "Mari, that's me. The person who likes pink. Please, don't you remember? I'm Aubrey? You're like, a big sister to me..."

Mari stared at her for a few seconds and her eyes lit up. "I think I remember a bit.. but it's just like with Mel and Basil.."

"It's Kel-"

"Oh right, sorry."

Aubrey glared at Sunny. "What the fuck did you do to her?"

"All I did was follow a ritual someone online helped me with.."

"Someone online showed you a ritual and you didn't question the ethics of it, whether it would work at all or if it would work properly!?? FOR FUCKS SAKE SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHO WE ARE."

"She..knows... me?"

"Barely." Aubrey scoffed. "You just look so much like her she probably just assumes you're related to her."

"It's not really that, actually.." Mari spoke up. "If I think hard enough, I remember things about people or things I could have done before I died. I played the piano earlier as if I had been taking lessons for years. Sunny informed me that when I was alive, I did in fact take lessons. I didn't think I sounded very good though.."

Kel grinned and Aubrey looked at him angrily. "What? What's funny?"

"Mari would always say how she didn't think she was good enough at anything, especially piano.. I think we're onto something!"

"What do you mean?" Basil asked quietly.

"We just need to remind her of everything in the past, and she'll be herself again!"

"I'm not sure about that..." Aubrey sighed, crossing her arms. "That sounds too easy. There must be a catch."

"We can figure that out later, for now we just need her to remember!!"

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