Chapter 26: Its sunny in there

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Sunny pushed his small body against the corner by the door, turned away when someone gently pulled on his sleeve.

"Hey, it's okay. You're safe here, don't worry..." a soft and feminine voice spoke, laced with a slight Norwegian accent.

Sunny moved his head slightly to look at the person. It was a girl around his height with short brown hair cut into a messy bob. She had a few scars and nicks on her face and neck, and a mole under the left side of her lip. Her eyes were a pale blue, something Sunny had never seen before. The girl smiled warmly, which somehow comforted him.

"Come in, we can talk. We promise we won't judge... well... Lacey might.." the girl sighed, nodding to the red haired person who was currently chewing on their bottom lip. "Just don't worry about them, they're like that to everyone."

Sunny hesitantly turned around and the girl gasped. "Wait, you're that kid that fought Basil?"

"How do you-."

"He's been here a few times in the past three years. We all come here often. We heard about the fight from across the hospital through staff and heard that the kid was short, was missing an eye and had dark unkept hair. That must be you."

The girl smiled reassuringly when Sunny looked nervous. He nodded, and the girl placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We aren't here to judge, like I said. Plus it doesn't surprise me Basil had a fight like that, he had one with Marcus a while back because he was hallucinating. Anyway, cmon in! I'm Ava. Its nice to meet you."

Sunny hesitantly walked into the room, visibly uncomfortable as his slippers slid across the floor anxiously. The other children seemed to also know what happened.

"Holy shit are you the kid that beat the shit out of fertilizer face?" Lacey laughed, the blonde boy punching their side, causing them to yelp.

"We told you to stop calling Basil that, knock it off." The boy sighed, then looking at Sunny. "Take a seat." He patted the empty chair beside him. Sunny slowly sat down beside him,  hunching over slightly.

"I'm Felix, you know Ava already, this thing is Lacey.." Felix pointed to Lacey, getting an intense glare in return. "And that over there is Marcus." Felix pointed to Marcus. They wore their dark hair in a long braid with pink highlights, and had cocoa colored skin that looked flawless. They waved with a small smile. Sunny was confused. They had a masculine name, but had long hair and wore feminine clothing. They were abnormally tall and well built, however. He couldn't tell what their gender was.

"Tell us about you." Ava smiled happily as she shifted in her seat.

Sunny stared at the floor, which was a soft, light blue carpet, pressing his slippers into it slightly. He wanted to lay on it.

"Um... I'm sixteen... yeah." Sunny pursed his lips.

"So we're not gonna address the elephant in the room?" Lacey laughed, the others looking at them in confusion.

"Lacey knock it off already." Catherine, who was also sitting in the circle, sighed. She looked ticked off.

"Oh okay so you guys aren't gonna talk about how Mr. Sunshine here murdered his si-."

Sunny's eye widened and Felix clasped his hand over Lacey's mouth. Sunny hunched over, seemingly becoming smaller. He wanted to go home. How did they know what happened?

"Lacey, seriously can you fucking cut it out? We don't judge you for what you've done and your situation wasn't even an accident like his!"

"Well I just wanna know how he did it." Lacey smirked, leaning closer to Sunny. "

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