Chapter 4: Remembrance

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Kel sat on Sunny's couch with Basil laid on the other end of it, breathing softly with his hands rested by his chest. Mari was following Mewo around, trying to gently grab her tail. She laughed as she followed her, Mewo not seeming to mind when she did eventually catch it. Sunny rubbed his eyes, his eyebags more apparent than usual. He never thought about what would happen after she returned. Sunny just wanted her back. He felt so foolish....

"What should we do now?" Kel asked, chuckling nervously.

"Wait until Basil wakes up.."

"You should put Mari in your bedroom because he'll probably freak out as soon as he sees her."

".. Mari?"

Mari looked up at Sunny. "Why does it matter if that kid is afraid? It's for such a silly reason."

"Just follow me."

Mari sighed. She was acting incredibly immature. It freaked Sunny out. The two of them both walked up the stairs, but as soon as Sunny opened the door, he could already hear Basil from downstairs.

"K-Kel?? What kind of prank was that?"


"Why would he do something like that??" Basil teared up.

"It's not-"

"Doesn't he know how bad I feel about what I did??"

"Basil calm do-"

"Why would Sunny do this he's my best friend..."

"Basil. Can you like, relax for a second?" Kel smiled, trying to stay calm. But even he was still shaken. He placed his hands on Basil's shoulders, trying to calm himself as well.

Basil took in a deep breath, one hand on his chest as he did so. "Um. Ok..."

"Please don't pass out again, but.. Sunny managed to bring Mari back to life...??" Kel said, he still wasn't sure what was going on.

"What." Basil stared at him. "Why would he do that?"

"You believe him?"

"Kel! I've done research on this kind of thing!! It can really happen. Who would be that person that looks exactly like Mari be then??"

"A.. paid... actor...?"

"No." Basil sighed. "I overreacted in the moment because I got afraid of just seeing her. But I know Sunny did something wrong. She... didn't remember who we are."

"That's kinda obvious."

"He must have done something wrong in the ritual he performed, whichever one he did. That may be why she doesn't remember us."

"Basil I just would like to know why  you research these kinds of things?"

"Um.. curiosity I guess?" Basil shrugged. He genuinely had no cynical reasons for this.

"Well.. Mari and Sunny are upstairs... gosh it feels weird saying that..." Kel ran a hand through his hair nervously. Basil had never seen him this shaken before.

"They should come back downstairs. I... Think I can handle it."

"Are you sure?? Please dont pass out again dude you're heavy."

"Wow, rude-"

"Look I'm not strong, and you're a little... short... but you're still heavy."

"Okay can we get this over with?" Basil groaned. Kel got uncomfortable with by his tone.

"Yo! C'mon back Sunny! Basil's ready!" Kel hollered.

Sunny slowly came back into the room with Mari slowly walking behind him. Only then were Kel and Basil able to see her completely. She looked almost exactly how she did before she died. Her hair was a little messy, and she had a faint bruise around her neck... they knew why.. but aside from being paler and looking sickly, it seemed as if nothing happened. It scared them to be completely honest.

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