Chapter 41: A missed call

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Mari laid on the floor, limp.

What the hell just happened?

"I... Im sorry if she kept talking she would have hurt someone." Hero frowned. "I think now I can see how her being with us is dangerous for her and the rest of us."

"Hero what are you saying?" Aubrey glared at him.

Hero inhaled softly, sadness in his eyes as he tried to hold back his tears. "We can't wait anymore. We have to say goodbye to Mari. As much as we dont want to, if we dont do it sooner than later she could hurt someone again."

"She didn't do anything!" Aubrey growled as she slammed the table.

Basil looked down. "Has strangled people, made me almost bleed to death, caused Hero to get electrical burns, and could have killed Francine if she wasn't knocked out. I dont want her to go either but-"

"Im not letting you take Mari away from me again." Aubrey hissed as she approached Basil, clenching her fists.

"Aubrey please-" Kel started, wincing as Aubrey punched him in the stomach. She was pretty strong despite how thin she looked.

Aubrey held onto Basil's collar. Despite him being slightly taller than she was, she lifted him slightly. Fury burned her eyes as tears fell down her face, her mascara bleeding onto her cheeks.

"I wish you died when I pushed you in that stupid lake. I wish Sunny killed you in that fight. You're the reason everything is the way it is. YOU are the reason. I fucking hate you. I... You should have killed yourself that night." Aubrey spat, Basil's eyes welling with tears.

"Aubrey enough! He didn't mean what he did!" Hero moved closer to Aubrey.

"Heh, didn't mean it? Sunny accidentally pushed her, that was an ACCIDENT, Basil DELIBERATELY decided to hang Mari so that Sunny would walk free. Even if he didn't kill her, he still caused everything to be the way it is now." Aubrey gripped onto Basil's neck, Kel gasping and trying to pull her away from him, Basil wheezing as he found it difficult to breathe.

Sunny's eye was wide. He backed up against a wall, the cries of his friends becoming muffled as he felt himself beginning to spiral. He didn't want this. He just wanted a good moment with everyone. With Mari. But things weren't going how he hoped. His heart raced as he watched Aubrey trying to attack Kel as he attempted to apprehend her.

He couldn't hear anything but his own breath.

Kim rushed over to help Kel break Aubrey away from Basil, but she only tightened her grip on his neck. She started to shout as she cried, but Sunny didn't know what she was saying. Once apprehended by both Kel and Kim she kicked her legs and tried to lunge at Basil, who backed close to Hero. Hero wrapped an arm around Basil, and checked if he was okay.

This wasn't right.

They were supposed to be happy.

They were supposed to get along.

They were friends.

They were... happy.

Sunny began to sob as he rushed out of the dining room, tears blurring his vision as he ran out the front door, staring at the darkened sky. He couldn't see the stars from behind the clouds. Looking behind him, he saw Hero, who said something he still couldn't hear. Shaking his head, Sunny ran down the block as fast as he could, tears streaming down his face. He knew that someone was following him, but he didn't care to look back. He needed to be away from everyone.

Sunny's hearing returned, his ears ringing faintly as he finally heard someone's voice.

"Sunny. Its okay, please dont run.."

Kim. Why was Kim following him? They weren't that close in the first place. Wasn't she holding Aubrey back before? So many questions ran through his head, but he stopped and faced Kim, tears streaking his face.

"Im sorry about Aubrey.. I.. I don't know what got into her." Kim sighed, adjusting her glasses. "I.. I agree with Hero. While I don't know your sister that well, her being here is causing a lot of trouble. For herself especially. You should probably do that ritual with that lady I heard Aubrey talking about. I think her name was Frankie?"

"Francine.." Sunny mouthed. He couldn't find the energy to speak.

"Right, my bad." Kim sighed. "Its hard losing someone you care about. You already lost her and now you're losing her again. I'm sorry you're dealing with this... I don't know how to help."

Sunny nodded slightly, hesitantly pulling out his mother's flip phone. She let him borrow it in case something happened. He.. needed to call Francine and tell her what was going on but.

He still couldn't bring himself to talk.

He looked at Kim, then his phone. Motioning to his phone, he pretended to dial the numbers on the keypad and put it near his ear. Kim understood he wanted her to make a call.

"Who do you want me to call?" She asked.

Sunny mouthed 'Francine' again, but had to do it a few times before she understood. He then pretended to be Mari, doing things like pretending to bake, and her violent outburst from earlier. He then made a circle in the air around himself.

"You want me to tell Francine that you want to do the ritual? Are you sure?" Kim frowned, some of her crimson hair falling over her face.

Nodding, Sunny handed Kim his mother's phone, tapping at the small LCD screen which had her number put into it. Ayaka had surprisingly put it there herself.

And so, Kim dialed. And waited.

And waited.

...and waited.

But Francine never picked up.

Its almost time.

The next chapter posted will be the last. It will be the longest chapter in this whole story. Im surprised I haven't given up on it like I have with most things. The encouragement has been super helpful and appreciated. I have a story in the works, and I will be posting the first chapter as a teaser! Ignore the cover it's temporary.

The end is swiftly approaching.

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