Last Update I Swear

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Hey guys, its ya boy, Mizosis AKA Sunny.

 I'm doing better and I've been able to write a little more for chapter 36! The chapter is going to be longer, as I said a while back, but it should be out in a few days. Please bear with me until then. I'm really glad that you guys enjoy it, and I've gotten some sweet messages from some of you as well. Thank you so much for the encouragement. This story started as kind of a shitpost because I had an idea, but I got attached and kept writing it. And randomly out of nowhere, it blows up and people are reading it?? And liking it too?? 

Some good news amidst the chaos in my life; I got accepted into an art and animation program for school! I take the class for three hours every day after taking my core classes. I'm really excited to take the class. I love doing art of all kinds, specifically illustrations, but I've wanted to take animating more seriously for a while now. And of course, writing, while mostly a hobby, helps me fuel my creative process for writing scripts for projects and comics. Essentially, I love art. Encouragement from people online especially make me want to keep doing it, because people like it as much as I enjoy creating it. I'm a senior in high school, fresh out of childhood, and I have a lot of opportunity ahead of me. The support from you guys is amazing, sometimes I cry when I read the comments or messages its crazy. 

More good news, because I am taking less classes and my workload for my art program won't be too aggressive, I will have more time to write and update this story. I have decided on a story not related to this one, also involving sci-fi because I can't help it. Literally all of my omori fanfictions so far have monsters in them in some way. Idk dude monsters are just cool okay? But the story... will definitely be suntan focused. Which I'm excited about. There will also be a time skip to when the characters are adults! Like, young adults. Early twenties. I want to present more mature topics that I am uncomfortable writing with minors, but keep in mind I will not write NSFW. I will never write NSFW/smut for omori. Ever. 

Anyway, while I'm here, I'd like to share some of my recent art! I've only shown a little bit of it, including the Hero birthday drawing and the cover, but I draw more than just omori fanart. I'm planning on opening commissions soon, actually. I hate advertising, but at some point I'll probably bring it up again when things are set in stone. I love drawing for people lol.

BTW, I have art from like 2016 to now. You'll see an obvious increase and decrease in quality, and a change in style. I chose some shitposts, some pieces I absolutely hate, and some i'm very proud of. If you like any of them idc if you save it. Do what you want with it, but if you use it as a pfp or banner just credit me.



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