t h r e e

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As we pull up to our little brick house, I immediately recognize the jacked-up truck parked in the driveway. Josh is here and when I look over at Cass she's giving me an apologetic shrug before stepping out of the car.

It's not that I don't like Josh, It's just that I don't like him. There was a time, where I could stand to be in the same room as him but that was long before he started pushing Cass around and treating her like she was less than. To put it simply, he's a misogynistic asshole and what's worse? She puts up with it.

I finally pull the handle on the car door and step out. The rain has stopped, and somehow the sun is peaking through the clouds. I take the steps to our front door two at a time and just before I step inside my phone begins to vibrate. After searching for what felt like three days for the buzzing in my bag, I finally find it with the words JEN flashing. I click the little red phone on my screen, ignoring the call.

I'm in no mood to talk to my mom right now so instead I plop down on the top stair of our front porch. I'm fighting every urge not to call her back. I run my pointer finger and thumb over the gold triangle necklace resting on my chest when realization hits. I know whose in my head right now.

"Dad." I whisper and smile to myself before standing to my feet. I can't talk to her, not today I silently tell him in my head.

I reach down and grab my bag off the steps before finally pushing through our front door. I immediately feel nauseous at the sight before me. I love this place, it's my home, but right now it's being tainted by Josh's presence.

"Where's Cass?" I immediately say when I notice her absence.

Without hesitation I march over to the coffee table and push his feet off, throwing him off balance before making my way to the kitchen. I could have sworn I heard him call me a few names under his breath, but I'm still smiling at the image of him trying to regain his balance. When I walk into the kitchen, Cass is in the fridge, what I'm assuming is her grabbing the dirtbag his drink.

"Cass, what the hell?" I ask just loud enough for him to hear.

"What?" She says without looking at me.

"You know what! What is he doing here?" I shout, disapproval leading hefty in my voice. "You told me that after you caught him this last time that you were done."

Two weeks ago, we went to a massive party that Josh's fraternity was throwing. He disappeared, as always, and when Cass went to find the bathroom, she walked in on him with another girl.

"Rae, you don't understand..." Her voice sounds so small. This guy is wearing on her and it's like watching a wounded dog try to walk without limping. It's depressing.

"Like hell Cass! Listen, you're my best friend and have been for forever. I can't sit back and watch as he terrorizes your life." My arms are wrapped around her before I even realize I have walked the span of the kitchen to her.

"I know... You don't understand... That's why I spit in his beer." She whispers just as I pull away from our embrace.

"You what?" I shout as we both burst into laughter.

"I didn't really! No, but I wasn't going to let him get away with the way he's treated me without him hearing me out, Rae. He called me earlier asking if he could come over and explain himself, you know as some sort of redemption?" She says looking away with a chuckle. "I agreed, but only so I can finally get some closure. I have a lot to say to him. This has been a long time coming, and even I knew that. I've always known." She says looking down fidgeting with her fingers.

She's a hopeless romantic, another thing that the two of us don't have in common. I wouldn't know love if it bit me in the ass and Cass, well her heart is bigger than she knows what to do with. Admittedly though, I envy the love she exudes. "I'm proud of you, and I love you." Is all that I can manage to say after her confession.

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