f o u r t e e n

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"So what was that all about?" Cass asks as I hop up onto the kitchen counter and sip on my mug of coffee.

It took ten minutes at most. Ten minutes of silence before she began to ask questions. I was hopeful. I had hoped that she would take pity on me but then I'm not surprised. She is ruthless and curious and of course I knew that.

"No one important." I mumble.

"Guy from the other night?" She asks as a smirk fills her face and she points at me. "Pushing him away like all of the others?"

"That's not fair Cass." I say through gritted teeth.

"Since when do you play fair?" She says chuckling to herself.

I don't say anything. Instead I slide off the counter and push past her making my way down the hallway to my bedroom. I'm brushing my hair while she stands in my doorway leaning on one end with her arms folded. "I don't want to talk about it." I grumble as I pull on a knotted chunk of hair.

She doesn't fight me on this. Instead she pads over to my bed, lies back, and lets out a very Cassidy-Thomas-like sigh. Every indication that she wants to talk about her night is seemingly obvious and with me wanting to forget all about mine, I give in.

"Alright, lets hear it." I say standing to my feet, walking towards her and landing next to her on the bed.

"I like him a lot." She says covering her eyes with her hands. "It's crazy right? I mean Trevor? I don't know what to do Rae."

"What's not to like? Give it a shot. Don't overthink it." I ask her removing her hands from her face. I like Trevor and he's actually quite perfect for Cass.

She sits up using her elbows to hold her body weight and when I look at her, there's a smirk on her face. "Oh, like you have any room to talk! Miss get out, go away - don't ever come back!" She says in a mocking tone as she flings her arms around for emphasis.

I sit up and make my move to slide off the bed when she tugs on my arm. "Rae, I was kidding." I turn to look at her, fury flaming behind my glare. Her once lit up smile fades as she lets go of my arm and slouches in her spot.

So she doesn't know about the letter, or the severity of the situation that played out this morning, but her antagonizing ways are enough to crawl under the surface of my skin and irritate the hell out of me. I instinctively want to scratch my arms thinking of it.

"Rae," Cass pleads against the door. "Rae, I'm sorry."

I'm sitting cross-legged on the floor in our bathroom. My head is resting on the wooden door and my eyes are closed, drifting off as an attempt to rid myself of the situation.

"Rae," I hear another knock on the door.

"Not today Cass."

"You said that yesterday and the day before that and the day before that."

"Just go."

I bring my knees to my chest and huddle around my own body for warmth, for comfort.

He's gone. He can't be gone.

I feel the tears threaten behind my eyes and wait, but they never come. I huff at the irony of me crying them all out when all I ever want to do now is cry.

"You told me you'd never leave." I whisper to myself.

It's been forty-six days dammit.


"Listen to me," Cass starts as her voice echoes off the wood. "I know that I can't even begin to understand what you're going through," her voice trembles a bit and I know she's crying. The thought has the locked up tears beginning to escape from my eyes.

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