f o u r

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"So..." he says to break the silence.

"So..." I repeat back to him.

We were sat down at a local diner by an older woman. Carla, I think was her name. James chose to sit across from me rather than next to me and I'm screaming gratitude internally. 

"How was the party?" He asks. 

"Well until I got knocked on my ass..." I respond hiding my grin behind the menu.

"I really am sorry about that." He surprisingly sounds sincere.

"What were you doing there anyways?" I've been meaning to ask him this, though I'm trying my best to sound uninterested.

"Well, what any twenty something person normally goes to parties for. To party."

Back to his arrogant self, I see. I let out a huff. 

"What can I get you guys to drink?" Our waiter interrupts us.

"Water please." I answer.

"And I'll take a coke." James responds.

"I'll be right back with those."

"Thank you." We both say in unison.

I am starting to realize just how tired I am just as I let out a massive yawn. While he skims the menu, I peak over mine and take this as my one chance to study him. He has a bit of scruff, some freckles and a scar just above his left eyebrow, small enough that you wouldn't be able to notice unless you were examining his face like I am now.

"Here you go, now what can I get you to eat?" The waiter asks as she sets down our drinks.

I'm indecisive on what I want, so when James orders French toast I decide to get the same thing.

While we wait on our food, we talk about what he may or may not have missed from the party. I tell him about the dirt bag that got what was coming to him when he put his hands on me. He's laughing hysterically and I can't help but crack a smile.

"You seriously kneed him in the balls?"

"Sure did."

"Remind me to never piss you off."

"You already have, about a million times in the last twenty-four hours. So consider yourself lucky there, pal."

"You've been counting down the hours that we've known each other? That's sweet."

"Oh my hell. No." Who does this guy think he is?

"Yes you have. It's cute, really."

"You're annoying."

"I know." He responds with a cheeky grin.

I go on to tell him about the hammock, the shooting star and I even mention the few minor games of beer pong he missed out on.

"This girl, Jesse, knocked over all of the cups and got the wrath of Cass, you should have seen it." I tell him as if he knows whom it is that I'm talking about.

"What did you wish?" He asks, changing the subject.


"When you saw the shooting star, you said you made a wish... What was it?"

"Oh nothing important."

"C'mon, you can tell me." He says placing his hands on mine.

I pull away as fast as I can and make a face at him of what I can only imagine to be disgust. I decide to completely ignore the question and instead begin to scan the other tables in the restaurant to avoid his awkward stare.

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