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"Okay, what happened to you last night?" Cass presses as she sits on my bed and I brush my matted hair.

"Nothing." I say leaving it to her imagination. Knowing Cass, if I were to even mention where I was or who I was with, she'd get all interrogation savvy and want to know every detail.

"Ok, well, um, I need to tell you something..." She says scrunching her face and if I know my friend at all, I know it's juicy.

"SPILL!" I scream, pointing at her and she instantly starts pacing my bedroom.

"Well, I uh, I kissed Trevor..."

My eyes widen and my hand is covering my mouth. Of all the things she could have said, that was easily the last thing I thought I'd hear come out of her mouth.

"You did what? How? I mean I know what I said at the party, but I didn't think you'd take it literally! Josh is going to lose it!" I can't help but laugh as she flushes.

"I know I'm so embarr-" Were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. We glance back and forth at each other before asking "whose that?" at the same time.

"It's probably Trevor coming over to propose!" I whisper to her as we tip toe to the front door.

She pushes me knocking me off balance and I make a face at her as we reach the door. After a silent argument of who is going to answer it, I finally oblige and pull the door open only to find that there's no one there. I look around, until finally looking down and seeing an envelope with my name on the top.

I grab it, knowing very well who the sender is and slip it into my back pocket before Cass catches a glimpse and asks questions. When I make it back to my bedroom scotch free I rip open the envelope.

I'll see you tonight. 7:00


I can't help but huff and shake my head. I guess I can appreciate his dedication. James had offered to take me on a date and after about a million no's and I don't think so's, I finally gave in. He was ruthless, and I couldn't bear to see him push his bottom lip out and pout any longer. I still don't know what we're doing or where we're going, but I do know that he's picking me up at seven and I have to somehow sneak out of the house without Cass knowing.

I walk over to my dresser and pick up my phone and see that it's now 12:30 and a thought hits me. I head for Cassidy's room and walk in without so much as a knock, and she's as always, sitting in front of her vanity fidgeting with her already perfectly done makeup when I walk in.

"Will you take me to get my car?"

"Yeah, lets grab something to eat too. I'm starving!" She says standing to her feet. "Are you going in that?" She laughs, pointing down at my attire.

When I look down, I realize that I'm wearing a baggy white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. Something I must have changed into this morning when I came home, half asleep, and clearly unstable.

No, I'll change.

"Meet you at the car in five?" I shout back at her as I march back to my room.

"Deal!" She hollers back.

It's warm out, so I decide to go with my black tank top, and my favorite pair of black skinny jeans. They're worn at the knees, and Cass is constantly hounding me that I wear them too much, but I can't seem to kick them. I grab my favorite pair of aviators and bag and meet Cass by the car.

"All black, just like your soul." She says eyeing my outfit just as her head dips into the car.

"You know me better than anyone." I huff back at her, rolling my eyes and piling in.

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