t w e n t y - t h r e e

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"OH MY GOSH! You really like him!"

"Cass," I groaned, rolling over to face the wall. "That hardly qualifies for a scream in the middle of the night."

She was being obnoxious, so I ignored her and found solace in tracing the texture on the wall. This was ritual for us, to sleep in my bed, or at least it had been up until the last few months. Cassidy, though she'd have no problem admitting it, has fallen in love with Trevor. It didn't take much, or long, for that matter. Simply put, he was a good guy and she never dated good guys. I knew it would only take one to hook and reel and once she found him, he was done for.

Cassidy Thomas had me stirring though. I like James and I knew that was obvious, so it wasn't so much her saying it, but how she said it. Something made it feel different, more real.

"What makes you so sure anyways?" I grumble to the wall.

"Are you kidding?" She says sitting up and looking over at me. "Well let's start with the fact that you've already met his parents," she says holding a finger up like she's counting. She stands up and walks over to my dresser opening the top drawer and says, "He has a drawer Rae, his own freaking drawer! I don't even have one in here." She holds up a second finger.

"Your bedroom is down the hall. That'd be pointless don't you think?" I sit up and smirk at her. "Besides, it's only a few t-shirts." I shrug.

She's laughing now "and last but not least, you've danced around the fact that you haven't slept with him. Which just goes to confirm that you, Raegan Hunter, have fallen." She says padding over to sit next to me on the bed. "You're into him."

She was still going. I couldn't hear what she was saying, I could only hear the muffled sounds and out of the corner of my eye I saw her waving her arms around for emphasis. I lost focus though. My back is to the wall, my knees are pulled to my chest, and I'm staring at that top drawer.


"Are you wearing my t-shirt?" He asked.

"It's comfy." I responded with a shrug. "And besides, you left it here. It's free game."

"I guess it is." He said crawling across the bed to me and nudging into my neck. "It looks much better on you anyways."

"I know," I said shaking my head to rid him of the access to my neck. "I like it when you stay here."

He pulls away and tilts his head in that way that he does and says, "you do?"

"I mean," I started, leaning forward and pushing his hair back. "Kind of." I said with a wink.

I gave him a small kiss before standing to my feet and walking towards my dresser. I pull on the handle of the top right hand drawer and pick out a pair of my favorite fluffy socks. I roll them up my feet and when I turn to close it, a thought occurs to me. Grabbing the sides of the drawer and pulling it out completely, I flipped it over, dumping all of the socks on the carpet and then I smiled up at him and said, "I have an idea."


So we had taken one tiny little step in our relationship. What was the big deal?

"Raegan." Cass said, pulling me out of my reverie. "Are you even listening to me?"

I do my best to recover starting with, "because not sleeping with someone means you're totally into them? Yeah, okay." I tell her before slipping back under the covers.

"Call me crazy -"

"I already do." I grumble and she puts her hand out to stop me.

"Call me crazy, but I think that you're scared to."

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