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You pushed back your seat and went over to Alejandro who was putting one of his cards on the table and soon it was  soap's  move . you walked over and you showed Alejandro your blueprints and sketch .
'' i was working on this but i figured i show you .''
You caught the others' attention and they all took an interest in your work .
'' woah spook this is cool ''
Alejandro exclaimed as he went and showed soap and the others . you got your nickname spook from alejandro because he saw the similarities between you and your father so since they called your father ghost they called you spook . the others looked at your work with amazement .
'' what color you gonna make it ?''
Price asked curiously as the others were looking at each other.
'' i think i'm gonna make it red and black ''
You said as you gave a quick glance towards Ghost to try and figure out the size of his face .
You scurried back to your desk and grabbed a pen and pencil and wrote down something and you  gave it to Alejandro . the note read '' im make me and my dad matching mask so when we go on missions we can be a duo ''
you handed him the note and he read it quietly and gave you a smile and a nod . you smiled back at him .
'' alejandro i'm telling you your her favorite uncle ''
Soap said as he smirked at him .
'' i know i am .''
Alejandro said as he smirked at soap and smiled back at you softly .
Ghost got up out of his seat and joined you and the others and sat with them .
You grabbed your chair and sat it right next to Ghost and Alejandro . you kept sketching while Ghost watched over you and even played a few games with the others . It was two hours later and you were struggling to keep your eyes open . it wasn't a few moments later that you rested your head on Ghost's shoulder and went into a slumber .
'' guys i'll be back i gotta bring y/n to her quarters , seems like today tired her out "
Ghost said quietly but sternly .
'' yea its been a rough one , especially for someone her age ''
Price said . the others nodding in agreement
Ghost said quietly as he picked you up gently, making sure not to wake you as he walked down the hallway . He soon reached your door and opened it up . Your room was clean and neat  as always but sometimes it was a tad bit messy . Ghost pulled back that blanket on your bed and gently  tucked you in . He sat on the edge of your bed and gave you a small and gentle head pat and he headed for your door . He stopped dead in his tracks and looked back at you .
'' good night ''
He whispered and finally closed the door . he headed back to the others and he gathered your papers and put them on your desk and cleaned up a little and soon let the others know he was going to his room . he walked down the hallw
ay and went to his room . he opened the door and went inside . it was extremely late and he needed sleep so that's exactly what he was gonna go and get . He stripped from his tactical gear and he put on a shirt with some sweatpants only leaving him with just his mask . He swung back the sheets and went into his bed getting comfortable before letting out a relieved sigh . He turned and went to shut his eyes and he soon fell into a deep sleep . He was an hour or two later and he heard a tiny knock come from his door . He didn't hear it at first until the knock grew a tad bit louder . He groaned groggily as he slipped out of his need to see who it was and to his  surprise it was you . He didn't know what was up but all he noticed was that you were frightened by something and he clearly didn't know what it was about . He got down on one knee and went to eye level with you and tried to see what was wrong but there was no avail . 
'' what happened ?''
He asked . not wanting to make your distress worse he wrapped the blanket you were holding around you and waited patiently for your answer .
'' l-l ...i had a nightmare ....can i stay with you for the rest of the night ''
You said quietly .
He nodded in understanding and let you come into his room and closed the door turning off the lights . He soon layed in bed and you soon went right next to him . He pulled the covers over you and reassured you that you were ok .
'' its ok it was just a dream nothing will ever happen to you .''
He ruffled your hair and he turned on the opposite side facing you and closed his eyes and soon was ready to go back to sleep but he soon felt two tiny arms snake around his waist . He faced you and wrapped his arms around you and you felt safe and secure as always . There were always nights like these but being with your dad Ghost always made it better through the harsh sleepless nights .
'' i love you dad .''
You whisper before closing your eyes .
'' i love you too y/n , remember don't be afraid okay it was just a dream and you have me and your uncles to protect you .''
'' your right ''
You were put at ease by his words and you both fell asleep .

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