The plan

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Soap brought out a map while price and gaz went over where you and task force 141 would head out to . they decided that they would all head to lower new mexico . while they went over plans you kept sketching and basically minding your own business . Ghost tapped you on the shoulder and got your attention .
'' problem.?''
You said while looking up from your papers .
'' were gonna go over the plan with you ''
Ghost said, eyeing towards the others and back to you .
You set down your papers on the table and looked at Ghost telling him silently that you were ready to hear their plan .
'' y/n we're going towards lower New Mexico . were gonna meet up with a few people that we know and that they also got word of what had happened earlier with graves and shepherds . These people are unit 99 . we'll meet up with them and go on from there .''
You listened intently as Ghost showed you on the map where you and the others were heading .
'' How are these people ? and what are there names ?''
You asked curiously .
You seriously wondered who these people were and what they were called .
How did they even meet in the first place ?
You thought .
Ghost looked at soap and soap brought out a few pictures of them with the team .
'' They are our brothers . We've gone on a few missions with them and we've grown on from ever since we first joined . ''
Soap said as he handed you a picture of them with a few guys .
There was on with long brown hair and a black bandana with a skull on the side of it and had brown eyes and one on the left of gaz who was tall and had no hair with gray eyes .
'' Who are these two ? ''
You pointed to them .
'' the one with the bandana is splinter and the one on the left of soap is rush .''
Price said as he lit another cigar .
'' and these three over here ?''
'' The one with blue eyes and a buzzcut is nitro and the one with a scar on his neck and smug look is doz and arrow is next to ghost . ''
Price kept speaking to you as the others quietly talked and you listened to Price intrigued by what he was saying .
'' they look so cool , i can't wait to meet em ''
You said excitedly .
In all seriousness you really couldn't wait to meet them. I mean you got to meet new people and work with them plus they knew your uncles and dad .
'' oh and spook please stay close to your father or one of us cause where we're going isn't the safest .''
Alejandro said in a pleading tone .
You weren't one to run off on a mission but staying close to them is and can be difficult at times when caught in gunfire .
'' well anywhere we go with her is a risk that i'm willing to take and they know not to put there hands on her or else they'd be making a death wish ''
Ghost said .
'' you know Ghost this is the most you've talked since ....well ever .''
Soap said, smirking at him .
'' I talk when needed . plus this is important and is for y/ns safety .''
Ghost said simply .
'' we head out in a hour .''
Ghost said as he sat down next to you.
'' i know to stay close dont worry i have you guys .''
You said as you picked up your pencil and went back to drawing .
'' I know y/n but day we're not gonna be here to protect you . your gonna have to protect yourself .''
Gaz said .
It hurts you to think about your dad or one of them dying . You knew that they weren't gonna live forever but you know they say this because they want you to know and plus they really care about you. I mean once soap choked out a shadow for putting their hands on you .
'' I know . that is why i have the best uncles that have been training me .''
You said with a smile towards all of them .
GHost gave out a soft sigh and patted you on the back and went down the hallways but soon stopped .
'' get ready we leave in a hour ok y/n "
Ghosts voice rang out through the hallway and you nodded going to your room to get your c/o/w.
( choice / of / weapon )

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