Resting plans

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A/n : sorry guys if it seems rushed , I kinda got lazy but I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

You woke up to feeling something heavy on your chest and sniffing you . while rubbing your eyes and yawning you looked to see that Riley was sitting on top of you . you groaned as you saw that it was 4 in the morning and sat up all the way cause him to lose his balance on you and tumble onto the messed up bed sheets and bedspread.
'' sorry riley didn't mean to make you fall .''
You helped him and sat him back down on his bottom and you scratched him under his chin . He rubbed against your hand and nudged you to keep petting him and you scratched his head and then you stopped . He then jumped off your bed scurrying towards the door . you waited to see what he was gonna do and he scratched on the door . his little nails scratched on the wooden door making tiny streaks on the bottom of the door .
'' Riley, it's four in the morning come back to bed . ''
You said groggily .
'' you wanna go out ?''
You said confused and he barked at you and sat down while holding eye contact .
You giggled a bit and got out of bed slowly . you stretched while putting on a pair of socks and you went to the door and you opened it . Riley ran towards Ghost's room and then started scratching on the door eagerly .
'' shhhh no!''
You whispered while picking him up quickly .
'' Dads sleeping okay no scratching .''
You set him down and he went at scratching again and whispered loudly No and you pointed your finger at him and shook your head . He seemed to understand and he stopped and whined a little bit .
'' maybe you need to use that bathroom ...follow me ''
You started to walk and as always Riley followed you . you walked down the hallway and through a few doors and you went outside in front of the base . you made sure riley didn't run off but he sniffed around and he did his business .
'' good boy , now let's go back inside .''
You said gently while leading him inside .You looked down at Riley and he barked at you again . his little ears flopped around while he walked and you looked at him and smiled .
You hadn't noticed but when you looked back to the door you saw Ghost .
'' why are you out here at 4 in the morning when it's dark .''
Ghosted questioned tiredly .
'' how did you know i was up ?''
You were confused .
'' one i heard riley scratching at the door and you whispering and when i went to see what was going on i saw a little bit of his fur in front of my door .''
Shit . can't hide anything really from ghost
'' riley woke me up so i guess he had to use the bathroom .''
Ghost pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed .
'' inside okay . you don't know what's lurking out here .''
'' that's why i bring this dad .''
You pulled out a pocket knife from your short pants pocket and you flicked it open .
'' i taught you well .''
Ghost said while smirking and being proud of himself .
'' Of course I'm on a task force. You really think I would be unarmed in the middle of the night . ''
'' i'll be training riley in two hours so while you sleep i'll be up training him ok .''
'' be nice to him or i'll cut you ...''
You said while giving Ghost a stern look .
'' y/n i would never hurt him , plus i kinda got a soft spot for animals ...''
He quietly admitted sheepishly .
'' Oh well you and him will get along greatly . ''
You yawned and picked up Riley and ghost led you back to your room .
'' get some sleep and i'll wake you up at 8 .'' ghost said while you opened your door and went back into bed with Riley . you left him in his spot and you got comfortable and finally went back to bed . Two hours later Ghost woke up and got ready . He put on his tactical pants while putting on his gear . There was still some blood crusted on it from the rescue but he put it on anyway and then put his mask on . He stepped out of his room and was greeted by soap waking up to go make himself coffee and soon the others were seen and greeted ghost as well . Alejandro passed ghost and wondered why he was wearing his gear .
'' Ghost why are you wearing your gear .''
'' i'm gonna trained the dog .''
Ghost said simply and continued to walk .
'' ok well i'll be here and waiting on update L.T ''
Alejandro said while walking off . Ghost walked to you room and went in and gently tapped on your shoulder .
'' hmmm?''
You said while still half awake .
'' im taking riley to train ok , also when you wake up go see soap .''
Ghost said gently .
'' mhm.''
You responded still barely awake.
You turned over and opened your eyes and you saw a skull face . this startled you causing you to try and sock Ghost in the face . Ghost thankfully dodged it and lifted his mask to show you it was him .
'' spook it's just me , i've come for riley .''
Riley perked his ears up and looked up to see who it was when he heard his name . He has surprisingly gotten used to his name.
'' here take em ...''
You said while sitting up and grabbing him gently . you handed him a ghost and Ghost lifted him a bit .
'' he got heavier . he's gonna get bigger you know right .''
'' yeah ''
You said while snuggling more into your blankets .

Ghost took Riley and went into the training room and trained him . Riley ran laps with him and Ghost trained him for when he signaled to stop, Riley stopped and he lied down low .
'' good . ''
Ghost whistled quietly and motioned for Riley to bite him . He didn't understand at first but he soon got the jist and tried to bite . Riley stopped when he was told and he was doing good with the training for the most part . He actually learned a lot . He was extremely smart and a good boy overall . After training, ghost gave Riley back to you and you didn't do much but kinda lie around and wait for the day to end until you got an update from gaz .
'' shepherd was found dead yesterday night . ''
Haz said frantically .
'' good . now we dont gotta look for him .''
Ghost said .
'' Sir, we have no mission ones giving orders anymore and Laswell is out of commission too. Couldn't even contacts her .,''
Ghost was shocked but he really didn't know what to do .
'' then were discharged or we head to another unit .''
Gaz said .
'' No this is suspicious ...we wait a little more ok .''
'' roger that .''
Gaz said while walking away .
Who knows but shit might get heated .

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