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Time skips to the next day .

You were outside with Ghost and the others getting some fresh air but you saw something rustling behind a crate near the back end of the trash cans outside . you assumed it was a raccoon but you soon heard a little sneeze . you panicked a bit thinking it was the shadows and you pulled your knife and the others noticed your fear .
'' spook you okay .''
Gaz questions .
'' there's something over here .''
You said while creeping closer to the unknown thing that made the noise .
'' y/n get nacl it could be dangerous .''
Ghost said while rushing towards you but soon you ran over to it and knelt down in awe .
You said while picking up the animal .
It was a little german shepherd puppy who was covered in dirt and grime . the other went over and you stood up and faced them and their faces all lit up as they saw what you were holding .
'' Holy shit how the hell did this little guy survive out here . ''
Price said .
'' don't know , maybe its mother is dead .''
Ghost said whi;e crossing his arms .
'' y/n i dont know–
'' i named him already .''
You said while smiling excitedly .
'' Now hold on a minute, you know taking care of a dog is a big responsibility . ''
Price said while lighting another cigar as usual .
'' if i can handle a gun i can handle a dog .''
You said bluntly while holding your soon to be best friend .
'' i named him riley .''
You said . The puppy looked at you and it licked your nose causing you to sneeze and laugh .
'' Ghost we could use a k9 unit to help us on further missions and our current one were laying low on right now .''
Gaz said while going closer to look at the pup .
'' ill train it then , i've had experience in the k9 unit . ''
Ghost said .
'' so were keeping the thing ?''
Soap said.
'' indeed we are .''
Alejandro said.
" She named him Riley Ghost . Guess you got another addition to the family ."
Soap said while chuckling to himself.
" I guess I do ."
Ghost said while making sure everyone is okay.
'' i'm gonna wash this lil thing up cause he sure as hell needs it .''
You said while giggling when Riley nipped at your fingers a bit . The fur was full but his paws were muddy and he had some dirt sprinkle in his fur .
'' you go do that spook .''
Soap said .
You took the pup carefully inside and you led him in your arms through the hallways. It wasn't long before you were in front of your room and you owned the door and went straight to the bathroom . You placed the puppy down in the tub and clothes the bathroom door to make sure the little thing wasn't gonna run out . You took the pup out of the tub real quick so you could turn on the water . You gently picked up Riley and you set him on the Mat on the floor . He sniffed around and he got familiar with his surroundings.
You were running the water and checked it if it was warm enough and you picked up Riley and you placed him in the water . When you did this to your surprise he started to play around in it.
He splashed around while you put up your hands to block the water from wetting you. Once he was finished with his fun he sat in the water and then made a tiny bark towards you .
" time to wash you up buddy ."
You grabbed some shampoo and and you put a little in the palm of your hand and you gently lathered it in his fur . He didn't move at all but he did slip a little in the water but you helped him up . You then ran him under the water and rinsed out the shampoo .You saw all the mud and dirt get washed down the drain and it turns out he had a cream colored under belly and his top and his head was black . You turned off the water and let him be for a bit to go get the towel but he then shaked . Water got on you and this caused you to laugh and quickly wrap him up in the towel . You dried him quickly but you saw the door open and Ghost popped his head in .
" How's Riley ?"
" I listed dried him off, step in because I don't want him running . "
You said and ghost closed the door and stepped in .
" I'm gonna train him ."
" That's great dad , he's sleeping in my room and we gotta feed him ."
You said while getting up and walked out the bathroom and placed him on the floor in your room to let him explore a bit. Ghost walked over to Riley and he pet him .
" He's gonna be a strong one but for now we wait till he gets a little bit bigger ."
" Ok dad , I'm gonna work on making Him a collar and I'm gonna let him go free ."
" watch over him okay ."
Ghost said while petting him again and getting up.
" I will ."
You said as you and him walked out of your room. Riley followed behind you and you went into the kitchen seeing soap .
" I see Riley is fitting in nicely ."
Soap said as tiley but his ankles.
" Riley came over here ."
You said with a cheeky grin . Riley stopped and you looked at him in shock .
" Well he listens to you at least ."
Soap said while making himself some coffee .
" Riley and Riley reporting for duty I see ."
Gaz said while smirking at the pup . Ghost sat at the table observing while filling out reports . You decided you wanted to go into a big space to be with Riley for a bit. .
" Dad, I'm going to the training room with Riley. "
You said as you walked off and Riley followed with you .
" Alright, be back in an hour for dinner ."
" alright , c,mom Riley ."
You ran and Riley ran behind you and you two finally made it to the training room. You had bring
A hand ball with you to see if he wanted to play fetch . You opened the training room doors and entered with Riley and closed the doors behind you after . Riley ran around for a minute until he looked at you and barked .
" you want the ball huh , go fetch "
You said as you threw the ball and Riley ran after it . He caught up to the ball and caught it and chewed on i lt for a minute .
" bring it back ."
You motioned your hands for him to come back and bring the ball and he did .
"Good boy Riley ."
You said while giving him a pat on the head .
You continued your game of fetch with him for a few more and to your surprise the time past quickly . You ran around with him and he tried to nip at your ankles but you ran and just played around with him. It wasn't long before you stopped when you heard the metal doors of the training room open .
" Ghost wanted me to come and get you for dinner so grab Riley and let go ."
Soap said nonchalantly .
" ok I'm coming , let's go ."
You picked up Riley and you walked out with soap down the hallway and down into the kitchen.you were greeted by the others and you said your hellos and you set the dog down .
Ghost gave you your food and he set down a bowl on the floor .
" grab the dog for me and give 'em this ."
You set your food down on the table and you grabbed the dog and placed him in front of his food . His food consists of raw eggs and some ground beef. Riley ate his food, his head buried in his bowl as if this would be his last meal.
You went over to the table and sat down and thanked Ghost with a thank you nod and you got to eating . You had rice and chicken MRE , it wasn't the greatest looking but it tasted good.
The others weren't there which was probably soap who went to sleep and Gaz filling out reports while Alejandro and price were most likely watching tv or something in the hang out room . You finished your food and you put your plate in the sink . You saw that Rileys bowl was finished and you took his bowl and put it in the sink as well . You picked up Riley and you cleaned up his little face . You let him go after he started to squirm and you let him go but you wanted to shower before you headed to bed early cause you were tired.
" Dad, can you watch Riley for a bit? I'm gonna shower ."
" alright that's fine after you head to bed cause it's 9:30 right now ."
You handed Riley to Ghost and ghost picked him up and held him close and gently . Riley made a little whine but as soon as ghost pet him he calmed and settled in his arms . You went into your bedroom and then went to your bathroom and headed to shower while you did this ghost and Riley sat down together and waited for you to be done. After you were finished with the shower you thanked a ghost for watching Riley and you took him happily . Your outfit you had on was some shorts and a shirt sleeve shirt .
You thanked ghost and you went to your bedroom with Riley and you placed him on your bed gently . . you put on a beanie real quick . Riley rolled and scratched at the sheets which made you laugh . He played on the edge of your bed and you slipped into your bed and went under the covers . you shut your room light off with a remote next to your bed and you went and got more comfortable. You went to close your eyes but you felt something fuzzy curl up right next to your head . you smiled and he snuggled his face onto yours which caused you to smile. He snuggled ore into the side of your face and your heart melted . He was gonna be your best friend till the end . you moved a little bit so he could get more comfortable and you and riley fell
Asleep . Ghost and Alejandro came to your room to check on you and found riley curled up sleeping with you .
'' there gonna be a great match together ''
Alejandro said while bumping ghosts arm a little .
'' she loves him already .''
Ghost said while taking one more look at you and Riley and closing the door leaving you two to rest .

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