Working already

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You had woken up to the light creeping in and  to your surprise you had seen that Ghost was right next to you dead asleep . He wore his bacalva and had another blanket draped over him .
He must've slept next to you to keep safe . It also made his anxiety go down since you were alive and there with him finally and it relatives him knowing that the men that had hurt you were long gone  . You heard the light snoring coming from him and you saw that he had no eye paint on which was not a shocker . You moved a little bit to try and get out of bed but the led to Ghosts eyes shooting open and then he turned over on his side and faced you to see that you were sitting up right and getting ready to leave to head somewhere .
" y/n...where are you going ?"
He said while yawning groggily. He rubbed his eyes and he sat up straight .
" I wanna use the shower and go about my business but I gotta get clothes from my room cause these clothes I'm wearing now are crusty and bloody ."
" Let me help you ."
He said while getting up quickly but you stopped him.
" I'll be fine , my legs aren't broken and my arms don't hurt as much, ok I'll be next room over I'm not going anywhere ."
" y/n I know but at least use my bathroom since it's bigger and you're less likely to get injured ."
" Fine, I will take up the offer if it makes you feel better ."
You said smiling softly while heading to the door.
Ghost watched as you left the room to go to yours but it wasn't uncommon for you to hang in your dads room a lot . You and him watched movies together and Worked on modifying your weapon . He's been trying to look for a new weapon for you since that asshole graves too all of yours and Alejandro's gear .
You walked down two feet and you were right in front of your room door. You turnt the knob and opened the door and you were met with a clean room . You went beside your bed and you went into your clothes drawer and got a pair of black sweatpants and your favorite comfy shirt . You got your towel and shampoo and conditioner and you went back to ghosts room and headed for the bathroom .
" be careful while washing your arms and throw the bloody gauze in the trash next to the toilet ."
Ghost said while putting away some of his gear in the closet .
" Dad, don't worry .
You said as you entered the bathroom . Your dad's shower looked decent . Floor was clean as always , shower was clean and everything else . He had his toothbrush and toothpaste in a little cup and had cream with a razor next to it .
You locked the door and you stripped from your blood crusted clothes and you threw them to the side . You turned on the water and while you waited for the water to get warm you carefully took of your bandages . You saw the damage and it was pretty bad but you were patched up . It would leave scars but every time you got a cut or something and it left a scar the others would tell you " your scars are what tells crazy stories and scars show you all the battles you have overcome . Scars were beautiful no matter what shape,  size , color or form they were in they were beautiful no matter what ."
You looked at them and you remember when you first got your first scar and you were really insecure about it and didn't like the way it looked until soap had told you how much they have meaning and how they show what had been overcome . It made you smile to know you have many people that care for you and will do anything to make you happy and comfort you.
The water had finally gotten warmed up and you stepped in . The water stung your arms a bit but you let the water hit your back and wet your hair . When your hair was fully wet you put in some shampoo and started to scrub all the nasties out.
You watched all the dirt and grime wash all into the drain and you picked up your bar of soap you had brought with you and you washed all around. You rinsed out your hair and you rinsed all the soap off you and you stepped out of the shower . You dried your hair a little bit and you dried off your body . You then brushed your teeth and put on your deodorant and some vanilla scented spray and you put on your clothes . You made sure to take your hair out the drain and throw it out and you unlocked the bathroom door and hung your towel to dry . You walked out and you noticed ghost wasn't there so you furthered he was making breakfast . You went out and closed the door behind you and you went back into your room and grabbed you drawings and scrap metal from your dads room and you went into the hangout room and saw everyone was there.
" hi Mija ."
Alejandro said while giving you a nod.
" hi guys "
" how's your arms spook ?"
Soap asked a little bit concerned after yesterday's hassle .
" they feel much better ."
" breakfast ."
Ghost handed you a plate and it had some eggs and toast . You thanked him and you sat next to Alejandro and Gaz . You put your plate down and you laid out your drawing .
" I have the supplies so now I can finally make the masks ."
You said excited .
" I see that ."
Alejandro said while looking at the finished product again .
" eat "
Ghost said .
You got to eat and talked a bit with the others and when you finished you put your plate in the sink . You put all your supplies at your desk in the hangout room and you started to trace some lines on the metal  of wear to cut with the metal snippers .
" you should be resting ."
Ghost said quietly as he took a seat next to you .
" I'm gettin better ok dad , plus I get a head start on a new mask....after that asshole took my other one ."
" it's ok spook , I have another skull balaclava for you ."
" thanks ."
" no problem y/n"
You could see right through his mask that he was smiling . You smiled back at him and you continued to work . Every so often Gaz or the others would ask you if you were alright and soap would check on your stitches . You moved your arms slowly while silently working . You
Started to take all the pieces you needed and you got up and walked around curiously seeing if you would find a piece of cardboard.
" spook you need something?"
Gaz asked curiously.
Ghost was still sitting down and waiting patiently for you to come back but he didn't take his eyes off you . He wanted to make sure you were okay.
" You got a piece of cardboard by chance ?"
You asked while making the  Lenny face .
" yeah there should be some near base front spook ."
Gaz said .
"Alright lemme go ge-"
" I'll get it for you, stay here ."
Ghost  said before you could do anything .
" ok?"
You were confused but didn't question it one bit .
You Waited and saw ghost walk away to go get it while he did this you grabbed the red  spray paint.
" Ok I'm back ."
Ghost said and handed you the cardboard .
" thanks ."
You said while giving him a small smile .
You took the cardboard gently from him and you went back over to your desk and laid down the cardboard . You threw all your metal pieces down and you grabbed a respirator and got to painting carefully .
" when do you think he's gonna lay off on her huh.?"
Alejandro whispered to soap .
" never after what had happened he's not letting her out of his sight ."
Soap said while giving a glance towards ghost to see him watching over you from the corner.
You finally finished spray painting and you took off your respirator and you looked down at your work proudly .
" All I gotta do is let it dry and then start building it."
You said while smiling softly .
" good job spook it's coming out good ."
Gaz said .
You decided to make yours red and then make your dads a little different...
As you waited for the parts to dry you grabbed some tools from a lower part of your desk draw.
You took out some screws and a drill and you started to make two sets of straps . You drilled a few holes into the leather straps . Gaz and the others watched to make sure you didn't hurt yourself.
You checked the masks to see if they were dry and they were . You had a red coating on yours and a black coat on your dad's mask .
You started to put the mask pieces on your desk and you put together both masks in 20 minutes .
It was quick and easy being that you have done this before with your first mask you ever made.
You sat and went out some small containers with acrylic paints and you started to paint a design on your and your dads .
These were the finally products.

Your mask

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Your mask

Ghosts mask

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Ghosts mask .

A/n : I don't own these photos I just got these off google because this is a idea of what the masks would look like :)

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