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You stood close to Ghost as you stood on alert as you and the others walked the sandy path way and walked to there base . You gave Ghost a knowing look and he looked down at you and gave you a reassuring nod . You were kinda nervous . This uneasiness came from the fact that once on a mission you and the others were ambushed by the enemy leaving you with a few cuts and soap with a gun wound and the others With minor abrasions.

Ghost new to has caused you to be uneasy so he kept a hand on your shoulder and you and unit 99 kept moving. It wasn't long until you reached the base. A long gate around the perimeter and a decent sized placed something that looked like a warehouse .

" we're here boys . "
Nitro gestured to the large building and punched in a code on the tablet near the gate and the gates opened.

" well no Shit we're here "

You looked up at him with a cheeky grin and brows furrowed .

" didn't know she had humor ."

Doz said nudging Ghosts shoulder a bit .
" I bet she got that from soap knowing how he is ."
Rush chimed in . I mean he wasn't wrong . You usually hung around Alejandro but when you hung out with soap it usually didn't end up well it came out to be utter chaos. Soap was the one who taught you how to be snarky and sarcastic and you got your jokes from him .
" I mean it's better then the time Alejandro tried to teach spook how to speak Spanish."
Soap said while looking at Alejandro .
" hey at least she got a learning experience with a different language I mean the kids got a thick Brit accent like her dad ."
Alejandro said while looking at ghost.Ghost sighed and started to walk into base and you soon followed and everyone got the cue that there was no more room for fucking around and we needed to conjure a plan on how to kill graves and kill shepherd.

You walked into the base and you followed ghost and the others into a room with a table . With one light in the middle of the room with dim lighting and and there was some dust showing in the air from the light .there was a thick silence with a few glances shared from the others until the silence was broken.

" alright we are no longer task force 141 nor los vaqueros."
Price said as he threw down skull balaclavas on the tables .
" we are now team ghost . Take a mask if your in ."
Price said sternly as the others contemplated and processed what he had said . You were all on the same sides and there's no way in hell no one wouldn't join I mean they gotta . You had come all this way to see what's up .
they better say yes .
You thought to yourself .

It was silent but It wasn't long till the others grabbed a mask and you took out the one you kept in your pocket . The one you kept in your pocket Was Ghosts old one that you had dyed red Instead of it being a white skull like it was when ghost had it you decided to make it red since you thought it looked cooler .

You put on your red one and you stood out from the others since there's were all the same and yours was red but you didn't care . Ghost gave you a little fist pump while the others adjusted to there masks and fixed them .

Arrow pulled out a map from under the table and pulled out a pen and handed it to price .
Price accepted and he started to conjure up a plan .
" alright we were here when they had turned on us and I'm guessing they know that we're gonna come back so be prepared for the worst."
He said sternly as he circled where you had gotten attacked and where you had come from originally.

" there gonna look for us and there probably gonna come to our base and look for us and try to get us into custody . "
Gaz said .
" that's why I rigged the place carefully on the outside when I got the chance ."
Alejandro said triumphantly and smirked .

" yea I forgot about that "
You said not remembering that he actually in fact had rigged the place with explosives and other things .
" wait spook you knew about this ."
Soap said in shock .
" yea I thought you guys knew too ."
You said confused while looking at him like he had three heads .
Ghost sighed and looked at Alejandro and then you .

You gave a nervous smile knowing what he was thinking . He gave you the look basically saying why didn't you tell me about this . you actually didn't know why you didn't tell them really . I mean it was pretty cool that he told you but he probably should've told the others instead of telling a literal child .

" anyways , we need to lure them towards us . And be prepared because they will be sending there shadows after us ."
Gaz said while point to a place on the map near upper parts of New Mexico .
" we need to be ready then and we need to hurry quickly ."
Ghost said while giving a cold glare .

" then we wait for them to come to us then."
Alejandro said .
" wait ."
You said while getting up to circle something on the map .
" if we circle around and while we wait we hide but we split up and we go in pairs of three and we give them a surprise attack ."
You pointed towards the map .
" good idea spook ."
Doz said .
" then that's what we'll do "

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