Close call

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" We should follow the humvee tracks to go towards them ."
You noted while wiping the sweat from your neck as your walking became a little sluggish.
'' we can follow them but only from a distance , cant have any close calls.'''
Ghost said as he adjusted his rifle and kept moving.
Riley wagged his tail and was panting the whole way . not even he could handle this heat but as much as you wanted a break you didn't stop . your breathing became more noted and you breathed heavily . you felt like you were gonna pass out right then and there but you just kept pushing yourself . soap noticed this and he walked up quickly next to you to see what was up.
'' hey , you feeling okay ?''
He asked, concerned. His light blue eyes scanned your features to try and figure out what was wrong but there was no avail because you had an expressionless look .
'' im fine , we need to focus .''
You said sternly while adjusting your pack.
'' y/n are you sure your okay ?''
Gaz said as well . Gaz was also concerned for you and he gave soap a knowing look.
Ghost turned around and without hesitation took your pack and rifle  from you and handed you a water canteen. You wordlessly  obliged and you unscrewed the canteen cap and drank the water as if it would be your last. You took out a tiny container from your pocket , it was a collapsible silicone bowl and you took the rest of your water and poured it for Riley . Riley lapped up the water and gave you a look to let you know he was finished . you put away the canteen and gave it back to ghost and put the little bowl back in your pocket. After the little 5 minute break you had continued to move and follow the humvee tracks . As you continued to walk you saw Ghost come to a halt and freeze up.
'' you ok L.T ?.''
Soap asked confusingly while the others exchanged weird looks to each other . you walked closer to Ghost and you saw in front of him a rattlesnake.
'' oh ..''
You were a tad bit scared and you stepped a little bit closer causing the rattle snake to shake its tail .
'' dad dont move i got you .''
You quickly took out one of your knives and you aimed straight for the snake's head. Surprisingly you hit it dead straight in its head killing it . the snake stopped moving and you went over to retrieve your knife .
'' Nice shot kid .''
Price said . while giving you a small nod.
'' thanks y/n .....l-let's get moving .''
Ghost said, a little shaken up.
You kept walking but you were confused about what had happened so you went over to soap and asked him quietly .
'' tio soap you know why he froze up?''
You asked while you looked at him waiting for a reply.
He rubbed that back of his neck and gave a nervous smile .
'' to put it in simple words , he isn't a fan of snakes .''
Soap whispered , only loud enough for you to hear .
He said as he took a quick glance at ghost to make sure that ghost  couldn't hear what he had said and thankfully he didn't and he sighed in relief . you noticed the glance and gave him a smirk and nudged him on the arm.
'' you afraid of em ?''
You said teasingly while giving soap a smirk .
'' No i'm just making sure he doesn't hear us .''
Soap whispered while looking more nervous .
'' you know your gonna get you ass beat if he hears thats why .''
You said crossing your arms while giving him a cheeky grin .
'' like you aren't afraid of anything .''
Soap said while giving you a grin .
'' Yeah, I am afraid of something . you terrible cooking .''
You said while holding back a laugh .
The others had heard your comeback causing them to all chuckle . ghost still walked with Riley unfazed as ever and kept his eyes forward . when you said this soap looked genuinely butt hurt.
He put his hand on his chest dramatically and his jaw dropped.
'' i thought you liked my cooking .''
Soap said while still being a dramatic baby .
'' tio soap  you can barely make a grilled cheese without burning it and that's even when your supervised .''
You said while chuckling a bit .
'' hey at least i can make breakfast .''
Soap said while trying to defend himself .
'' soap you only know how to pour a  bowl of cereal and once i caught you pouring the milk before the cereal .''
Gaz said while pointing at soap with a grin .
'' your a menace for that , yeah officer it's him right here .''
You said jokingly while playfully pointing at soap. you chuckled for a moment and then you heard soap speak up again.
'' gaz i thought you wouldn't tell anyone !.''
Soap said shocked while having a look of betrayal splayed across his face .
'' soap the whole team knows about it .''
Alejandro said .
'' spook roasted you good though before ....heh terrible cooking .''
Alejanro said .
'' HEY–
'' keep moving , less messing around .''
Ghost said while cutting off soap.
They kept quiet and you and the others kept walking until you saw Riley start to sniff around .
'' what is it boy ?''
You said while following Riley .
Riley sniffed but then he stopped and started digging and he pulled out something . Riley picked it up and he spit it out in front of you . it was a red cloth that said '' muerte roja's '' . you picked up the cloth reading what it said and you handed it quickly to Ghost .
'' dad were close , they were here .''
You said as you watched him inspect it .
'' We keep moving until the sun goes down then we rest . No tents . we need time and that's something we really don't have to keep it up with the tents so just make yourself and divet in the sand and sleep in that for tonight .''
Ghost said while continuing to walk.
'' alright that's fine by me but sleepy beauty over here might need one .''
Gaz said while looking at soap.
'' shut up ''
Soap snapped at gaz in a sassy tone.
You giggled a bit at their banter and you kept moving .
The sun started to set and the cold breeze started to roll in . you were relieved that it was getting cooler but soon it would be dreadful because it does get really cold at night .
'' once the sun fully sets well get to do what we gotta do .''
Price said .
The others nodded in agreement until you realized something you regretted .
'' shit i gotta pee.''
You said in your head .
You hated times like these when you had no toilet to use and just thinking about it made you miss base . you walked ahead of everyone and you went up to ghost .
'' dad ....i gotta pee.....''
You said quietly .
'' can you hold it until we get to a stop .''
He asked while looking down at you .
'' i might be able to but let's just hurry to a spot so i can go.''
You said while walking a little more quickly .
After walking for another hour you came to a stop .
'' Pick your MRE'S and get comfortable . you know the drill .''
Ghost said to the others and they set down their packs and took out a blanket and got out food from their bags . you were down near a sand hill and you really couldn't see above it but you just looked at the moon but then you rushed to ghost . He set down your bag and rifle then he set down his stuff as well. He propped up the guns in the sand and made sure they couldn't shoot any of you guys and he turned around and saw you .
'' i know .''
He turned real quick and grabbed toilet paper from his bag and he handed it to you .
You gratefully took it but you didn't really know where to go .
'' Dad, where the hell am I gonna go? Plus you guys are here. It's awkward . ''
You said quietly while looking down at your boots .
'' go a little further away and you know the rest.''
Ghost said while sitting in the sand and grabbing something else from his pack.
'' i swear you better tell the others not to look .''
You said while contemplating your life decisions .
'' there not gonna they would never but ill tell them anyway  not to if it calms you .''
'' that would be nice but just make sure .''
You said while walking a little farther off . Ghost watched and he whistled to the others and the others got the hint . They knew when he whistled that ment someone was going to the bathroom and to keep their eyes on the ground and when they were he would whistle again to tell them that it was okay to look up again . you walked away quickly and you found a spot on where to go. You dug a little hole in the sand and you pulled your pants down half way and you squatted .
You kept your balance as you did your business and sighed in relief . Once you were finished you wiped and you pulled your pants back up fully and you kicked sand over your little hold and covered up what was done . you walked back over and Ghost whistled again and everyone looked back up and continued what they were doing . you handed ghost the toilet paper back and you used some hand sanitizer you had brought with you to clean your hands .
You sat next to Ghost and you took out some crackers and you ate your snack .
'' your not hungry ?''
Gaz asked curiously .
'' No, I'm just rationing just in case we run out of food but for the most I'm not hungry  . ''
You said simply .
'' just checkin .''
He said.
You heard a strange sound . a sound that sounds like a humvee.
'' oh shit guys get down there humvees coming towards us . ''
You said and you ducked down low with Riley .
'' she's right get down !.''
Ghost whispered  and they all got down and made sure they weren't seen . The humvees got close and they zoomed by and you saw one that had the similar look of the cloth you had found earlier on a flag on the humvee . the humvees went by quickly and once you couldn't hear the vehicles anymore you got up .
'' everyone alright ?''
They all nodded and you were stool thinking about before .
'' its them , they had the flag that looked like the cloth that we found today .''
You said urgently .
'' were extremely close then .''
Price said while lighting a cigar.
'' It was a close call . we move out as soon as the sun starts coming up.'''
Ghost said while fixing his mask .
'' were close .''

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