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You look up and notice that the air is big enough to fit you and you make a plan . You finally conjure an idea and you get all the others attention.
" guys I can't go through the vents and try to map out the place to see where some of the muerte roja's are and to see if I can get us out of here ."
You spoke as you pulled a pen and paper from your pocket .
" dad if you lift me on your shoulders I can go through the vents and you can get to me with these."
You pulled two walkie talkies from under you vest and you handed one to ghost and took the other .
" you full of surprises aren't you spook."
Alejandro said while giving you a smirk.
" I always will be you said as you pulled off your mask and noticed you had a Bobby pin .
" holy shit I have a Bobby pin with me , I can use this to pick the lock of Riley's muzzle and get him out of that ."
You said quickly while rushing over to him . You knelt down next to him and grabbed his head gently while taking a look at the lock . You inserted the Bobby pin into the lock and started to pick around . You adjusted the way you were holding it until you heard a click and the lock fell to the floor and you took the muzzle off Riley's snout and you rested your forehead on his an pet him a bit and then got up . You realized that you could use the Bobby pin to un screw the rusty bolts on the vent .
" dad lift me up ."
You said as ghost lowered down to you and you got up on his shoulder and you used his head for support . His lifted you up and you started to work off the bolts on the vent . You unscrewed one and it feel to the floor with a tiny metal clank.
You unscrewed the other one and it swung open .
" bingo ."
You said triumphantly.
Ghost pushed you up and you were in the vent . It was filled with dust and grime but all you could pray that there were no spiders . You turned on your walkie talkie and so did ghost and you nodded and got to moving . You tried to be as quiet as possible while crawling to make sure not to alert anyone below if there were people there . You crawled for
Straight for a bit and you came across a vent opening with little openings to see what was going on . You saw through the straight long holes that there was a room below you with to guards . You assumed it was the security room and you realized that if you unscrew the vent and drop down you could fight them off and hack into there system . You crawled back quietly but before you did you wrote down your directions that you went and you finally got back to the original hole you came into .
" I'm back , kinda glad I didn't need to use the talkies but it could still be used."
You said as ghost grabbed you by your waist and plopped you down.
" so spook was there anything ?"
Gaz said.
" there's a security room I can get to by there's two guards in the room. If I go in there and if I'm quick enough I can slice em and hack into there system and override and electric doors or fences that could lead to the outside ."
You spoke as you conjured up another plan .
" that's a good idea but you need to be quick should take Riley with you as well . He's big enough but he'll fit for sure . "
Price said.
Ghost gave a look of disapproval and shook his head.
" it's gonna be dangerous they could be armed ."
Ghost said sternly to the others .
" ghost you've seen her against armed men with just a knife she can handle it."
Price said .
" L.t , he's got a point ."
Soap said supporting his statement.
" fine but if they hurt her I'm blowing this place up ."
Ghost stated still not liking the idea .
Ghost picked you up and you went into the vent again and soon you turned a bit and saw Riley behind you .
" be careful y/n ....I can't let what happened to you happen again."
Ghost spoke low and quietly .
" dad I'll be ok , plus I got one of the best puppers with me ."
You said as you gestured to Riley.
Ghost nodded and the others wished you luck and you were off . You crawled with Riley through the vents quietly and you reached the vent you had been at and you started to pick at the bolts . One fell and hit the floor causing one of the guards to be confused.
" hey you heard that ?"
The gaurd said to the other while picking up the screw and looking at and but when he looked up he was met with the bottom of your shoe to his face . You jumped down quickly and pulled you knife and slashed the man's neck and you threw your knife at the others neck and They both fell to the floor while choking on there own blood. You kicked there bodies aside and you whispered for Riley and he jumped into your arms almost knocking you down due to his size . You set him on the floor and you sat in the office chair and got to work on the computer . You used a code that you got into the computer and you by passed all security procedures and protocols and you were finally in . The room was small but there was a metal door behind you with a small window . You confused to hack into the main frame and soon you were in .
" I'm in ."
You said through the walkie.
" did you by pass protocol ?"
Ghost asked through the walkie . His voice modulated and deep .
" yeah I'm with Riley but I gotta see what lies out this room first and then kill anyone in my way so I can come and get your asses ."
You said while looking through cameras.
You saw that there were at least v three guards in this hallways that you were on and you soon clicked on another camera and you saw the room that the team was in .
" guys I found your cell number it's cell block 273 ."
You said as you went down on one knee and you looked through one of the dead soldiers pockets and found a key card.
" I found the key card I'm coming to bail you guys out now ."
You said as you went to open the door.
You open the metal door and you let Riley out first and you followed after him.
The soldiers noticed this but you threw your knifes in one's abdomen and Riley lunged at the other causing him to fall.Riley had a death grip on the man's neck and man deep teeth marks within him. You ran quickly towards the other man and you used his body weight to your advantage and you tripped him and stabbed him quickly multiple times and he dropped to the floor . You quickly went over to the man that you tabbed in the abdomen and you took the knife out and stabbed him in his neck killing him instantly . Riley was still strangling the man he was on but the man pulls and gun and shots ring out through the hallway and tried to shoot Riley . You ran over and kicked the gun out of the man's hand and you kicked him in the face and ran to grab his gun . You grabbed his gun cam checked the clip and you shot him making sure he was dead . There was a suppresser on the gun so you really couldn't hear the gunshot. You praise Riley and you kept moving down the hallway with gun in hand . You ran down the hallway and went up a stairwell and into another hallway with Riley and soon you were in front of cell 273. You used the key card and you swiped the door and it opened and you saw ghost and the others in disbelief.
" holy shit she did it , the lass did it ."
Soap spoke , shocked clearly. 
" good job ."
Gaz said.
" enough praise I thank you but we gotta get the fuck out of here ."
You said urgently.
At the moment they didn't care about your cursing but if you were at base you'd be getting scolded by them.
you ran and ran with them down the hallways and surprisingly there were no guards or soldiers around but that made it a little suspicious. Ghost ran and so  did the others and you leaded them out a secret exit you had seen on the cameras and you were outside finally and you ran to the humvee leaving behind your rifles . 
You felt the cold night breeze and the bright moon lit under the Mexican sky's.
It was dark and peaceful but your heart raced and adrenaline pumped through your body and you quickly hopped in the humvee and so did the others and price decided to drive and you all got the fuck out of there .
" holy shit , if ut wasn't for y/n we'd still be in that helm hole ."
Soap said .
" things could've been worse ."
Ghost said .
" but they weren't and that's all that matters ."
You said as you rested your head on Riley . Riley sat next to you and ghost was on the other side with Alejandro and Gaz while soap and price were in the front . They praised you for your great work and ghost checked you as always for any injury's and you reassured him that you were okay . You yawned a bit and you got comfortable and you soon fell asleep as you rested you head on Riley . Riley didn't bother and wasn't bothered by your presence at all and soon Riley was sleeping too as well . 

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