Sitting ducks

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You loaded up your c/o/w and you got ready and prepared . you made sure all your tactical gear was strapped on tight and you got over and went next to Ghost .
'' Dad me you and soap could be a pair while nitro , doz and arrow can go together while gaz , soap , price are a team and alejandro and splinter could be a pair .''
You said while gesturing to them all .
'' wanna explain it to them , seems like your running this operation now huh .''
Ghost said while patting your shoulder and lightly chuckling to himself .
You let out a little laugh and you stood in front of all of them .
'' I need you guys to listen , I have decided on the learning groups for when we split up and ambush the shadows and this is based purely on skill and no bitching about who your paired with talking about you soap .''
'' understood spook ...''
Soap said while rolling his eyes playfully with a small smirk splayed across his face .
'' Me and my dad and soap are a pair while nitro , doz and arrow can go together . gaz you'll be with alejandro , price and splinter .''
You said while motioning for them to get in there assigned places .
'' who put the kid in charge ,''
Nitro said while scoffing .
You gave nitro a death glare and held eye contact before speaking .
'' i am not in charge i am just helping out simply because i am on this squad and we have a mission to go on .''
You said sternly while still holding your mean side eye at nitro .
'' Ghost, come get your kid ..she's giving me the death glare . ''
Ghost smirked underneath his mask and he gave you the look saying to stand down . you huffed and walked back over to Ghost .
'' how come the kids coming i mean its dangerous don't you think ?''
Splinter said , his tone laced with concern and worry . you may have been a child but you are not one to be reckoned with . you've killed people before on missions so it wouldn't be the first time you've been in harm or danger but this was your life and you didnt care if you were a child or not you just luke being with your squad . you aren't like the other kids who play and go outside with friends . you were stern , creative and you loved being with your dad and uncles even if your job and their jobs were dangerous .
'' wherever i go she goes .''
Ghost shot at splinter in a gruff manner . He never liked when you were away from him out of his sight for more than two hours . it wasn't that he wanted to know where you were every five seconds, it was because he wanted to keep you safe and out of harm's way .
'' I may be a child but I am not one to be messed with on the battlefield , you may think because I am a child I can't handle myself but I am perfectly capable of protecting myself and others when needed so do not underestimate me . ''
You snapped back at them calmly . you weren't rude but you kept it mostly professional .
'' i am not underestimating you y/n i am just worried for your well being is all ''
Splinter said calmly .
'' she'll be ok , we've been through this before .plus they know not to lay one finger on her or else they'd be making a death wish and a early visit to the golden gates .''
Alejandro said while pointing towards Ghost .
'' so are we done chit chatting or are we gonna split up now around base ?''
Soap said eagerly .
'' we head out in five , get your gear ready and don't hesitate to shoot any shadows ''
Price said while fixing his gear .
They all nodded and you went and stood next to ghost while waiting for soap .
'' We'll take the back and price group will go on the right, will be on the left and the others will head out in front . we kill the ones coming from around and one of you will head up on the roof and scope out the are for and more in coming shadows got that ?''
You said while loading up your c/o/w .
'' kids got more authority than most of the men i've seen .''
Doz said while crossing his arms .
'' focus on the mission not me alright now let's move and head out cause we're wasting time .''
Ghost nodded and the others went out and split up . you went towards the doors and finally you were outside . The breeze kicked up and it was a tad bit windy . you took a deep inhale and exhale while moving into positions in the back on the left with Ghost while soap was up in the middle part .
'' you guys in position ?.''
You said through comms .
'' were ok and i'm in positions now we wait for them to get here cause the bound to come here.''
Alejandro said . the others commed in and gave you and Ghost reports if they saw anything .
You looked through the scope of your weapon and you scoped out the area . Ghost did the same and looked behind you and him to make sure no one was behind you.
'' you gonna play rough with the shadows today L.T ?''
Soap said in a sarcastic tone through comms while chuckling .
'' lets see ''
He said back .

Back graves and the shadows .

'' We head out for them now and we infiltrate their base . The others went to their original one but it was rigged so we are going to the next one you hear me . No fucking around today . We are no longer brothers but enemies, you hear me soldiers !''
Graves' voice rang out through the humvee . There were at least a dozen soldiers with him because Graves didn't think task force 141 were gonna have back up but little did he know what would be in store for him .
'' yes sir ''
The soldiers' voices rang out .
'' If there are any stragglers on their team we take them and hold them hostage until they give us the information we want from them . ''
Graves said . His tone was dark , deep and filled with distrust . He was planning and little did your team know . this was gonna be a big fight even more so you or any of the others could be held captive . The soldiers got their guns ready and were preparing for a bloody fight .

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